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Everything posted by stevePSSC

  1. yeah its a huge fad.. and i hate it hahah
  2. me and my friends are in the open division
  3. me and my buddies got a team together for this.. anyone else from this site planning on attending?
  4. not my business haha
  5. and thats exactly why i dont ride weekends there.. i only have a weekday pass and i am thankful for it!! I would tell anyone whos in highschool or college to work weekends and just ride as much as you can during the week
  6. so wait is there an entrance fee?
  7. whats the deal with the Z games? they start this friday im guessin.. the 5th? any entrance fee or anything and how are they usually set up
  8. i just watched the new vid on BB park website.. and nipples has a couple clips in it haha its a sick vid.. i see the upslope box is in now!
  9. you will not be dissapointed at all... i dont have any pics or anything but its sick, i know in the one thread someone posted some pics of the boxes and rails in Freedom park
  10. im diggin the new BB park site.. but the link papa posted is sick as hell
  11. i was up there as well.. conditions were really good considering how the weather has been lately.. i spent the morning teaching the gf how to ride.. we got there at 9:30 and left at 1.. it was overall a good day
  12. well for boarders the handrial is rally hard to get speed for! Insomniac were you the one with the checkerboard anons?
  13. will do.. the only person i recognized was Gurp.. wasnt sure who else was with him haha but now i know.. overall is was such a good night
  14. alright yeah i saw you guys all night then.. i was in the gray puff.. and Who Wants to Shred was with me in his orange camo jacket
  15. were you wearing a yellow jacket?
  16. i was up there tonight with Who Wants to Shred.. conditions were actually pretty sick.. and merry widow's jumps are awesome! soo much fun tonight!!
  17. no im going with you... cause im going to make you drive!
  18. SICK ill be there monday at BB no doubt!!
  19. Steve Weatherly
  20. haha damn dude i only have a weekday seasons pass there
  21. lib next time you hit up BB let me know.. and gurp i think i saw you the entire time i was at BB monday.. i was the one who was falling on everything!
  22. haha the music is terrible
  23. sick vid man!
  24. haha you and your forecasts! i love it.. but i hope your right and we have a white christmas
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