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Everything posted by stevePSSC

  1. i also heard that he is gonna get hot topic to sponsor the event and give out free shit and they may even make a hot topic rail
  2. wow.. thats all i have to say
  3. i wasnt there so i wanted to see some footage of how it was
  4. hahahaha so true
  5. oh well i guess we have been spoiled with all the videos from almost every rail jam last year.. people are slacking this season
  6. just wondering if there are any vids out there from the jam...
  7. hey i was just putting it out there haha
  8. and i havent seen either of you since then haha
  9. welll..... my liscense was suspended untill december 28th so i couldnt ride until after then... and then when i got my liscense back i ended up breaking my collar bone mid january.. this year really sucked ass.. oh not to mention i snapped the tail of my board as well but still rode it
  10. ill be there.. it will be like my 10th time riding this season.. i hate my life
  11. why do a noseslide when you could frontboard.. or press.. or maybe frontboard pretzel out!!! this is the worst topic ever.. thanks ImNOTSponseredByForum
  12. im heading out in about 15-20 minutes
  13. alright ill be wearing my gray puff jacket and ill be wearing blue skullcandy icons and my good ole broken burton dominant names steve
  14. im heading up solo.. spring break baby! anyone else heading up?
  15. i might go.. but i have a midterm friday so it all depends on how i feel about that
  16. the last trail open will be Boulder park.. it was last year too.. im guesing mid to late april.. then a probably 2 weeks closed and then mayday will end the season
  17. its concrete with metal edges
  18. ill be hitting up boulder in the morning then heading back to school to get some projects done but i should be up there early and ill be riding solo... ill probably stay no later then noon
  19. i wish i could.. that looks so sick
  20. stevePSSC

    pipe gloves

    i rock a pair of 686 gloves.. i think they are called bombers im not to sure though got em off ebay for 15 bucks brand new and i love them to death! they fit great and get the job done
  21. here is a vid of Brogan i found on youtube http://youtube.com/watch?v=4roZUtRDofY
  22. Thanks, i'll be taking it easy the first day.. but then i have some catching up to do
  23. I'll be hitting up BB monday (Feb. 25th) with my roommate.. it will be my first day back since i broke my collar bone in january We plan on getting there right at 3 and staying all night.. anyone else planning on heading up?
  24. hahhaha the ending is clutch
  25. like papa pointed out.. when it comes to jumps BB takes it all you need to do is watch the vids and its easy to see
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