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Everything posted by stevePSSC

  1. Right now i have 04' Drake Mikey LeBlanc's and they are very light and i love em.. but im lookin for new ones.. what are some opinions? i always heard burton bindings break alot and arent worth the money.. so lets hear it
  2. stevePSSC


    idk about blue but im headin to hike camelback tomorrow to check it out.. take some pics if ya do hike though im gonna take some pics of CB.. also what are some rails and what not that blue usually has set up?
  3. not to bad.. i love goin up to stratton though and getting the 10 dollar lift tickets with my MC seasons pass.. what all has killington done to its park theses past couple years.. i havent been there since oh say 4 years ago
  4. hahaha wow i agree.. would be a little tough anywho.. i would have to go with a long like 50ft box about a foot wide.. or a nice 30-40 ft rail about 5 or 6 inches wide and say 4-5 feet off the ground.. smooth and calm jump on.. nice soft snow that day.. wow haha i could imagine it now
  5. stevePSSC

    New rails

    every wednesday Bangor would go up there for ski club and we would all just hike that first jump.. thats where i first landed a 7 but it was sloppy and not so high cause ya know its camelback.. but yea it was a good jump.. also i threw a barrel roll over it cause some kid dared me and i can do backflips just standing on the ground.. so i said what the heck id give it a shot and landed it first time.. just doing plain flips is overrated i think
  6. Seriously... you were close haha
  7. stevePSSC

    New rails

    like that one jump they had at the top of rhodo a couple years ago.. that i think was their best jump ever
  8. hahha i agree.. we could just go there at like midnight.. and ride down the snowtube park on our boards
  9. stevePSSC

    Jobs at cb

    not to shabby.. that sounds good to me
  10. im pumped now for this winter.. so many new things happening at the local mts.. this year i gotta make sure i take a couple trips up to shawnee.. maybe we can ride together sometime parkbuilder
  11. stevePSSC

    Jobs at cb

    now thats an idea.. the ski school and take care of all the beginner lessons.. and the park crew can teach the Freestyle Lessons.. in that cause count me in
  12. stevePSSC

    Jobs at cb

    yeah.. theres also a rumor goin around that all the guys on the Park Crew are gonna have to instruct as well as manage the parks.. if thats the case count me out.. i love riding and the sport.. but im not one for teaching a bunch of little kids who cant speak english how to ride..
  13. stevePSSC

    New rails

    good call Shadows.. my best guess is to get rid of the junk rails like the battleship, rainbow and the hippo.. better yet that wavy 40 foot rail.. maybe CB will suprise us this year due to the new ownership and create a decent park this year
  14. hmm well ive been talkin about it with a friend we may head up over thanksgiving break for about 5 days.. wow i cant wait to RIDE!
  15. yeah i saw creeks last year.. pretty sick haha i remeber seeing one at Stratton forget on what lift though.. creeks bra tree is an easy toss from that lift.. and yes... every mountain needs one haha
  16. stevePSSC

    Jobs at cb

    how much would one make on the Park Crew? and what exactly do they do at cb cause everything is usually crap haha they need to do their job better...
  17. stevePSSC

    New rails

    not sure where i read it but word has it there a Flat Down Flat at camelback? or atleast some one thought they saw one hmmm that would be sick haha EDIT: nevermid im retarted.. its in the CB Wallride topic, and just thought id bring it in here and bring some life into this topic haha
  18. im headin up to the loft soon to check out pants and maybe some new bindings.. so im gonna stop by i think early friday morning to see whats goin on.. oh and dont worry about me getting caught im pretty quick
  19. stevePSSC


    thats sick.. ive only been there once.. but this winter im lookin forward to getting around if ya know what i mean haha.. never been to shawnee, BC, jfbb and like i said only been to blue once... but hoping to change that this winter
  20. i second that.. ive only been to camelback, mc, stratton, killington like 4 years ago, and blue mt once but im gonna have to go with MC first, then Startton cause when i went up they barely had anything set up
  21. its not a divider, its not a billboard, its nothing of that sort.. its a wallride who knows if CB is actually gonna build/set it up right and what not but its a wallrdie.. like lastduchess113 said CB isnt that cheesy haha so yeah its a wallride.. who knows if its gonna be good or not even though they might be putting one in doesnt mean the transition or the wall itself will be good lets just keep out fingures crossed and hope they put it up right and make the transition smooth every morning haha
  22. im gonna have to go ahead and add my 2 cents.. and say that... its gotta be a wallride i mean its at the bottom of the trail.. not the enterance.. if you look on the cb site on daily pics the other angle cleary shows its down right past where the hippo was anywho it has to be a wallride haha
  23. wheres that at? and anyone know of what the setup is gonna be?
  24. stevePSSC

    Jobs at cb

    i worked like 5-6 days a week... but yeah i was in it for the half off on food, loft discount (which i never used) and FREE skiing.. another thing is i hate their jacket! haha those huge red spyder things.. with the zip off sleeves haha wow
  25. stevePSSC

    New rails

    haha yeah lucky you.. i live 1hr from BC and 1 hr from MC... so right in the middle just about and then like 30 mins from CB, Shawnee and Blue
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