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Everything posted by stevePSSC

  1. 07-08 Burton Dominant.. not sure how much i like it... but i really like to look of the Forum Manual
  2. sounds good to me schifdawg hopefully ill be at upark
  3. well if i stay at pennstate hazleton then ill be a pass holder at Big Boulder if i go to university park ill most likely not be riding as much... and if i end up having to go to pennstate wilkesbarre then ill be calling Sno my home mountain
  4. i would love to see them actually go all out next year and make it an all park mountain first of all.. not wait another year or anything.. with it an all park mountain the possibilities are endless and features will be alot less crowded on weekends.. but the main thing would be trying to control the public who do not belong in the park because it is not only a danger to us (ppl who do park) but also a grave danger to theirselves
  5. well to give CB props the railjam they had at the end of the year was set up nicely i thought.. the 40ft downrail was a nice street style setup and the flat down was set up right so maybe CB can changes things next season and have good set usp
  6. haha well if snow grind is the company that produced the bus, swingset box and whatever else blue has that is just retarded then i dont want them workin on any other moutains around here. Now if you are going to go with the Swingset idea HERE is how you build a nice swingset rail... not that stupid thing blue has
  7. hey im not gonna lie i liked the offset box set up... it was sweet to switch up on and just something different haha i had a good time
  8. wow this thred quickly turned into a boarder VS skier thread... but anywho i think that was a perfect clip to end the video with.. it doesnt matter that its a skier its just really funny! theres a clip somewhere on the internet of a boarding doing the same thing but getting knocked out cold.. either way its just funny its not boarders making fun of skiers.. and for it being all snowboarders in the edit i bet his crew was all boarders.. i mean if a group of skiers made a video of themselves at a rail jam it would make perfect sense for it to be all skiers.. same goes as why this edit is all boarders.. maybe one of the skiers should of brought a camera oh well it was a sick edit, a sick rail jam haha no need for all this hate
  9. that would be sick man.. either way ill be up there a few times even if im still at hazleton because i drove up there the other week to hit up the new stores and what not that they put it and i realized its only 35 mins from my school so either way ill make sure i make it up a few times
  10. haha yeah i saw that.. i was so tired by then oh well i guess its gonna have to wait till next year.. i might be up at sno alot next year depending if i transfer from psu hazleton to wilkes-barre
  11. i can only imagine how many people have this glove tan as well
  12. damn nick nice vid.. wish i would of stayed and filmed with you guys
  13. haha nice thanks alot man! i didnt even know you were taking a pic when i went
  14. i just got back and the rail jam was sick as hell.. for the setup they had at the top a Triple option of either the round handrail, flat box or flat rail, the second option was the a frame, and another flat box, then at the bottom was the small DFD, the double barrel rail (that was in the hikable park) and this box to box setup... and and then there was a jump off to the side that peopl were really throwing down on.. im talking double backflips.. and then the wide butter box was all the way down to the bottom kinda off to the right side.. overall it was a sick jam, free red bull.. and just shredding all day from 11-4 was extremely worth it.. oh and i saw a bunch of fellow pasr members up there.. including shadows, librider, nipples, papasteeze, xnick and i think i saw gurp and i forgot i saw k2fujative as well but didnt know it was her till librider pointed her out
  15. thats the same reaction i get.. when i tell ppl about the event i always get the same response "How? there's no snow" but little do they know.. anyways ill be there and it shall be pretty amazing!
  16. registration is from 10-12... and the comp starts at 1
  17. Count me in SUCKA!
  18. I know this poll will turn out to become very biased and ppl will vote for their home mtn.. So with that said. I have only been to CB and BB this winter.. therefore i voted for BB for its HUGE progression and excellent dedication to their parks. Constantly making changes and switching it up to give you something to look forward to. I cant wait to see what they do next season! As for MC i know they had a horrible season and had a hard time getting anything put up.. the same goes with BC, my only regret is not getting out more to check out other mountains and parks.
  19. no idea man.. this is the 4th snow day this year which is crazy!!! last year was the first time in 10 years that this campus closed due to snow.. and now this year we closed 4 times.. i have no idea whats gonna happen schedule wise.. im guessing it will stay the same and we will just end up having the cram everything in now since we lost yet another day
  20. lots of snow here in Hazleton.. and once again campus is CLOSED sucka
  21. they probably wont let you hike it untill practice starts, i dont know how it was run last year but thats how most comps are
  22. orange/yellow helmet?
  23. oh darn yeah i didnt hear you.. or even see you haha you should of tossed a snowball in my direction, i wish it would of just been a chill jam session, like no contest and just hiking and having a good time, but i was very impressed with CB and the setup for this event.. and i have another bib to add to my collection haha
  24. overall it was a good time and the rails/boxes were set up really nice for it being Camelback.. the practice was the best part, once the event started it just was very unorganize. There were alot of people too and hiking it was a killer but I had a great time and im really glad i went.. it was only 5 bucks.. and since i knew i wasnt going to win i decided i wasnt going to go home empty handed.. so i stole my bib haha
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