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Everything posted by stevePSSC

  1. yeah it is..
  2. yes it is.. and they are going to BBQ right by the lift i guess too
  3. nice im excited for friday now.. im glad they put up the flat rail.. im hoping this comp goes well and is just overall a good time..
  4. nice i think it should be a good time friday!
  5. i didnt go either and the only comp i went to at BB was the ECTC so i dont know anything about their rail jams
  6. is the may day rail jam free?
  7. i still hate CB.. but if they are offering a 5 dollar rail jam.. then im down
  8. i shall be there
  9. well if you can read haha it was just stated that there WILL be 2 flat boxes and the 40ft flat rail.. and then the other option would be the winner of the polls its def gonna be fun.. and i like the location im gonna have to wax up the dominant or else i wont be moving at all on the snow, the last day when i was at BB with 60 degree weather and wet snow, i could barely make it down the trail without stopping let alone have enough speed to grease a rail or 2
  10. im def entering this.. anyword on when registration starts and are they gonna limit the number of competitors?
  11. no idea about this weekend or anything.. but theres no pipe, its been closed since well the week before the snowmobile event
  12. the snow was just so slow.. doesnt help that i probably need to wax my board.. but anywho i would bomb the first jump from the top of the trail and wouldnt be able to clear it, i knuckled everytime. As i said before the second jump option you can get plenty of speed but the last jump you can clear the 40ft hit but i doubt the 60 it was just so slow today.. i could barely make it down Bunny Schuss, i had to unstrap and push over the smallest little bumps (or just hop/duck walk) EDIT: they were only rebuilding Boulder Park.. not the others
  13. widow and freedom are closed. The only runs open are those that are Left of the Merry Widow lift (looking up the hill). So from Boulder park to Bunny Schuss or whatever the one on the end is
  14. I got there at 3:00.. then got my lift ticket and kindly asked the lady if Big Boulder will be open next week during the week. The answer is NO, after this weekend it will be WEEKENDS ONLY! So i went back suited up and took the widow lift. There is soo much snow its rediculous! On the other hand it is so wet and slow that I could not make it down bunny schuss without stopping and having to duckwalk or even unstap to get across the tiny flats. As for Boulder Park.. it is Rebuilt and does have a new look. However there is no way with this snow you can get enough speed for the Down Flat Down. Which is at the top of the trail but set further up then before. After that there is a down handrail and a down flat rail option. Both options are set up good and you are able to get speed easily. Next is a 20ft-30ft jump option (where the channel gap was) I would bomb from the top of the trail and not hit anything to get speed for the jump and could not clear the 30ft hit. After that is a 20-30-40ft option jump. This jump you can get speed for all three hits but once you try to spin your edges sink in hardcore and kill the take off. The last jump is the same and almost impossible to clear i bet right now. They put the A-Fram rail where the upslope box was, in my opinion the nicest feature set up today. As for the hikable park.. unless you bomb from the bottom of boulder park and fly to the hikable park.. you will not have enough speed for anything! Overall i stayed for about an hour.. it was horrible, the snow was so slow i couldnt enjoy anything due to the fact i could barely make it down the mountain without having to walk.
  15. ill be up tomorrow and im going to ask about Next week.. cause i am planning on going up tuesday to film.. so when i get back ill let everyone know..
  16. yeah i really wish i would of been able to make it down this season to check it out but i never got the chance too..
  17. very disappointing.. but oh well it was good while it lasted.. im just hoping i can get footage next week
  18. when i was up there yesterday it was dead...
  19. soo it stats that BB will be open weekend only with just a park starting April 1st? i hope BB is still open next week during the week cause ill actually be able to film.. if not then ill be pissed
  20. only boulder park.. not merry widow or freedom.. and the hike-able park should be open as well
  21. Right from the site I shall be there thursday.. if the park is open by then ill have a full Park Report of the new park by thursday night
  22. I'm heading up to BB after my last class so i should be there by 3. Anyone else plan on heading up?? Once again ill be wearing my gray puff jacket so if anyone is head up and sees me.. come over and say hello
  23. stevePSSC

    Camels park

    i talk shit on CB's park all the time.. i was up there yesterday and i didnt even ride park because it was horrible.. i took two runs through rhodo and decided not to waist my time with another, and a few through LG before rhodo opened.. then i mainly just rode trails since that was what i was planning on doing in the first place. If i want to ride park ill go to BB and tell anyone who wants to ride park to go there.. but for trails ill go to CB and once again tell any one who wants to hit up some nice trails to head there.. but if someone is good at park and really planning on going to CB for their park.. ill tell them to take the extra 20 mins or whatever, depending on where you are coming from, and tell them to hit up BB instead. For beginners CB is awesome! their beginner park is great for people just getting into the whole park scene. As for advanced riders, well CB blows the big one. The jumps in rhodo arent that great, although the hip is well built and alot of fun. The rails are just wack right now. The pipe is usually i good condition so if someone was going to CB for a pipe then i dong think they would be too dissapointed.
  24. just got home now.. parks sucked, riding was really good except for the wind gusts at the top of cliffhanger from time to time.. TP4 was that you today rocking the orange airblaster?
  25. im heading up from like 8-12 or so depending on when i get sick of CB.. but yeah like i said just look for the gray puff jacket the names steve
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