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Everything posted by stevePSSC

  1. nice man look for the gray puff
  2. im heading up early morning with the family.. second time to cb all year, ill most likely be in the parks complaining about how they suck haha anyone else heading up?
  3. well rails/boxes would have to be the flat down box at BB.. not when it was on boulder park but how its set up now on merry widow.. as for jumps it would have to be the merry widow jumps, the second one has always been good but the first one was better in the beginning of the season
  4. stevePSSC

    Camels park

    at first i thought it was doug asking and it gave me a good laugh haha
  5. haha yeah i saw you with two girls and some other guy i think.. i was with my little bro, pretty much all back, with fur on the hood.. i was rockin my new analog puff jacket poop what were you wearing i most likely saw you
  6. Arrived at around 3:15 with my little brother and suited up to ride this warm march evening.. when we first got there it was said to be right around 50 degrees and the snow was really soft and some what slushy, still BB has sooo much snow! They only had a few lifts running since there wasnt too many people there tonight. Started off hitting up Freedom park but since that lift wasnt running we decided to just stay in Merry Widow. After only about an hour we decided t ditch out jackets and just ride in long sleeve shirts. After we ate around 5 we decided to go get our jackets again since it started to get cooler out. Soon the snow started to harden up and it became alot faster. The soft snow was nice to have today for whenever i fell, whether it was on a jump or just a rail. Overall the conditions were still really good and the parks were still pretty amazing! also i saw a fellow pasr member, Gurp or atleast i thought it was you.
  7. haha yeah in a way.. that thing is beat but ill still be rockin the gray puff from time to time next season and even throughout the end of this one.. they both arrived though and they are both sick
  8. that sucks.. im glad im not a passholder there this year.. but the stair set they had setup for the union square jam is so sick, if only i had money
  9. oh how i want to move! that was sick
  10. a few years back i remember getting hit in April with almost a foot of snow.. it was my birthday (april 29th) and there was snow on the ground and i was out shredding a rail in my yard.. so maybe it will happen this season
  11. alright well haha its supposed to -15 degrees.. so if i do go i will probably just be hitting up the hikable park to keep warm
  12. not i.. but i will be up tomorrow from 3 till whenever im ready to peace
  13. yeah at some points i was wondering if the roads were going to get bad and if i should leave.. and then it would stop and the sun would come out and i could see the roads were just wet so i was able to just enjoy the nice fresh snow
  14. today was awesome.. not to many people and amazing conditions, it kept snowing off and on which kept a nice fresh coating on the trails all morning Widow is pretty sick.. overall it was a really good day, especially for a weekend
  15. not today.. but tomorrow morning with my bro and a friend finally i get to film!
  16. the first one in boulder is not 40 ft.. its so much smaller now.. and the second one might be around 40.. but the last one is definitly more then 40.. i wish i would of went i dont think it rained at all there.. correct me if im wrong
  17. im not sure yet.. i may just bite the bullet and head up i mena i have a seasons pass so if it starts raining its no big deal EDIT: im not heading up.. it should start raining in about an hour at BB so im just gonna get work done instead.. but im definitly heading up Sunday morning.. and tuesday next week so ill most likely see you guys up there this weekend and/or next week
  18. im coming from hazleton (penn state) so its only about a 25 min drive did you see pics of widow or just see it when you were up there? i hope they make the first jump a little bigger.. i love how they are always switching it up
  19. i just got a new jacket off of Dogfunk.com for a really good price.. its an Analog Cyro 2 Down jacket, Retail: $300 and i only paid $170 i also got a new pair for pipe gloves, 686 Bomber Gloves.. only 15 bucks off ebay so we shall see how that goes.. small pic but for some reason ebay wouldnt let me click on the larger one
  20. good call yeah if its raining then im not gonna waste the drive.. but im heading up sunday morning as well and then ill be there tuesday and thursday next week too
  21. im definitly heading up tomorrow once im done with my lab so ill get there around 3-3:30 and will prolly only stay till 5:30-6 since ill most likely have a lot of work to do but yeah ill be up this is what ill be wearing. gray puff jacket and black pinstripe pants
  22. probably not today but most likely tomorrow
  23. im heading out within the next 15 mins.. so if anyone is heading up tonight and you see me (gray puff jacket, pinstripe pants) give me a holla.. Steve
  24. nice well ill be up thursday as well
  25. well looks like its official.. flying solo tomorrow and by the looks of it no one here will be there either.. damn
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