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Ski Freek!!

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About Ski Freek!!

  • Birthday 01/30/1990

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    Rossingil rasing skis and the Line 1260,s
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain

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  • Website URL
    http:// www.myspace.com/mvaftreburner90

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  • Location
    Dickson City

Ski Freek!!'s Achievements

Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. HEHE! first time i posted in aliek a freakin year.. yeah.. we should get a mess of people up there the new park is realy sumthing else that Sno (AKA Montage) has never had before. its deffinatly worth giving a shot.
  2. ohhh yeahh!! haha this is gunna be sweett!!! haha yeah coindo.. that will be nice! oplease we need that haha cuz knowing me ill atleats break one bone for 24 hrs strait hahaha woohoo!!
  3. haha mark you do that! ill be there lol
  4. blast you ski mom!!!!!!! ( 999 was right) haha therses more dammage to my mentaliety than anything!!
  5. and so the blowing commencess! woohoo!! montage is probibly going at it up here too
  6. lol whatt!! ohh. i know im a bad typer haha. and of course ill be in yr spelling b haha
  7. haha its actually olyphant that has the fire but its still liek reely close to my house haha yeah dude hook up with VTmark one of these times. he allwase comes up here and he kinda lives down by you
  8. ohh yeah the mudd ugh i hate itt!! haha it was a aad sight yesterday. i went to a mine fire testerday. and the ground was soo hot it started to melt the soles of my shoes. and i kicked a rock over and fire shot up from under it.. and theire was no snow to be seen.. it actually helped them find it.
  9. haha you just showed me this.. get this ppl!! it was a staggering NEGITIVE 40 DEGREES any one here have any idea how freaking cold that is!! well if you dont.. put it this way a year ago when i was hunting it was negitive 15. and when i drained the lizard it instantly froze into a sheet of ice..
  10. thank GOD!!!!!!!! im sick of this crapp!! it was actually a nice 28 degrees at my house all day?? so wer deffanatly on the way to either sum fresh powder or alot of stedy snow blowing liek you said.
  11. LMAO! dude you hit the nail right on the head man!!!.. and as for you doug.. mann.. u just love the icons?? lol.
  12. wooo!! go ridge!!!
  13. haha yeahh keep posting liek this post whore!! lmao! just jokin with ya doug byt yess have fun with icons their lots of funn!
  14. That blows donky nuts!! i thing i might go cry after hearing that.. this is horriblee!! its ben so warm some bears are comming back outta hybernation.. ugh.... im sure all of my fellow comrads feel the same way i do
  15. seriacly guyes. easyy there jethrow
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