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Everything posted by emsp4life

  1. That would be so cool if they could pull that off
  2. Well I just returned home. It was a good 4 hr day . The mountain was in great shape. They defintly put alot of work in snow wise. I guess now i'm gonna have to stop busting bearcreek chics stones now about the mountain. Not to mention she got a hold of me and was mad at me (lol) for being a trouble starter.. Not me!!! I'll be back out there tomorrow night .....
  3. I'll be there tomorrow and sunday. Tomorrow early and afternoon on sunday.
  4. BC
  5. can i come with you to the christmas party and drink on the companies dime... I'll be at BC bright and early on Saturday.. See-ya all there
  6. Tell Jake i'll be out there saturday lookin for him.
  7. 95% ha more like 70% if that ..I'll be there on saturday...
  8. swdorsey good job on the park site. Keep it coming
  9. BRING ON THE POW!!!!!!
  10. If anyone got blue ridge cable channel 13 watch the news tonight and you'll see me and forumdestryoer at blue today. I got on a blue and tan jacket w/ gray pants . My friend just told me we were on ...
  11. I just got back, and it wasn't all that bad for what they had to work with weather wise. Defintely thought it would've been alot busier. If i had to guess there was less then 100 ppl on the mountain. I'm gonna be back out there tomorrow and sunday.
  12. Hey thanks for the compliment ..... LOL Don't get one, there like drugs ADDICTING . I got 23 to many LOL
  13. I'll be there at 8:00 waiting . I need to get my snow fix already.
  14. I wanna take you up, And see how far they have come since i worked there in 03 , Cause other then the fall festival that was the last time i was there. Since all these BIG changes When i started this post i wasn't real all about knocking bear creek. I worked there for 4 yrs. I even dressed in a freaking chibaca outfit and boarded around for them. I love the mountain. I was just suprised that they weren't making snow when all the other mountains were....
  15. They got a great deal off snow up there already, so they should make it through this little warm/rain . I'm keeping my fingers crossed....
  16. Nice vid. How was it in MD?
  17. No one ever said they didn't know what they were doing. There just behind everyone else...
  18. I know Dan is good at what he does. Sometimes !!!!! He has proved himself a great deal the last few years, with the good conditions he has provided. I'll hold you to opening in goodtime though this year. Seeing as what very little snow they have we defintely be losted Tues.-Wens. forsure, if it's not already. Which means they more less gotta start all over. Spring even started blowing before BC which is bad, seeing how they are further south then BC and the weather there is a few degrees warmer. A few degrees makes a big deference.....
  19. I'll be there all day. I drove by tonight and they defintely got some nice piles to push after the rain hits this week. We should put together a mini meet-up on Friday. Anyone up for that?
  20. They like wasting money. Atleast that's what I learned the 4 yrs. I worked there. They'll be okay if they blow some piles and don't push them. But if they try to push them with the cat, then they'll be screwed...
  21. The lights are actually on for once.... Just like them to be 2 steps behind with snow making.... And of course they wait till it's gonna be warm out again next week... Dan the head snowmaker there is still as bright as when I worked there 3 yrs. ago. Who says you gain from experience?
  22. forum since i'm about to beat one of your highscores on the cnfx site . I'll think about it (lol) . Na the more the better . Hit me up!!!!
  23. Well mine bailed for tomorrow, but now we switched to monday. Cheaper and more trails by then and less crowded. So i guess it works out for the best.
  24. I'd would spot you man, but my funds is looking tight as well. I'm scrapping change together to go lol
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