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Everything posted by Bobert540

  1. Still for sale..... Will take $100 obo for the boots and $90 obo for the pants.
  2. Great Job again to all! Brian we missed you tonight!
  3. I was impressed with the conditions as well. I saw you on Dreamweaver this morning. I really wanted to ski the course, it looked so nice. One thing though, what is the point of the VIP line in the quad?? They were not checking passes and it was just another line for everyone to crowd in. Overall it was a great day!
  4. No more TM's, only the invaders I got from you. The park looked good last monday night when I was there.
  5. I will be up tomorrow for the J4/5 race so I am hoping to sneak some runs in.
  6. Skip work and come with!
  7. I am heading up to elk tomorrow to ski the fresh snow...keeping fingers crossed.
  8. High Five!!! Great job everyone
  9. Sorry i let you guys down last night. I believe Chris got 2nd or 3rd fastest. Great night of racing and great job to all!
  10. I will prob. get there around 4 or so. I will have on a teal/blue Oakley jacket black pants and Fischer WC SL skis.
  11. I am pretty sure I found someone. Great skier as well. See you all tom. night!
  12. I will be at Roundtop next wednesday afternoon/evening and most likely every wed. from there on out.
  13. That is pretty cool, but I couldn't imagine the insurance costs to have that thing on the mountain open.
  14. I saw about 5 other guys with Fischer gear. There was one guy with the brand new fischer hole ski and fischer boots.... don't know if that is him. Congrats to all tonight. It was nice meeting you guys as well. I am psyched for next week. Should be a good league!
  15. Do you know what time and where we should meet?
  16. Thanks to the new lights I could actually see the course a little better! lol
  17. To each his own... and NASTAR has nothing to do with the bcrt.
  18. I will send you his info in the AM. Thanks!
  19. That issue has been taken care....fyi. After 2:30 when training is done they are in there on their own time. They are discriminated against more because they have their orange jackets. Which makes them stand out from the rest of the gapers, who do the same exact thing.
  20. NVM 5 char.
  21. That would be fine.... Do you ride park or just like to feeride?
  22. That's interesting because one of my fellow coach's dad was first on the scene and they were doing gate training, not jumping a drop. He caught a tip with the gate and spun out f control into the woods and smashed his spine on a tree. Like anything, there are always two sides to every story. It's ashame either way and just goes to show how quickly things can happen.
  23. Jack's Mannequin?? Wasn't expecting to see that one pop up. Sounds like Sno is in good shape minus the ice. I am sure it will be good for the weekend. I am just hoping the course isn't too icy thurs. night. BTW Brian, I was supposed to remind you we start thursday.
  24. Nice TR! One of these days I am hoping to make it out to JH. Care to bring some snow home with you. This wintry mix stuff is lame! Enjoy the rest of your trip!
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