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Everything posted by snorovr

  1. and what a fall it was! a few if us watched this again a few days back and laughed so hard. seen the ultra legit skiblade vid out of okemo yet?
  2. Well if you're buying his do it soon so he can go to Whistler!
  3. A little bird told me... Seriously though its just industry connections. I was told I could pass this info along so I put it up. Doesn't look like too many people around here are very interested though. I'm not really making anything off the deal so I don't feel too motivated to post it up on Newschoolers where it would probably be more popular.
  4. YES!!!! SOOOO GOOD!!!!
  5. Some shots from the riding going down @ Blue on Friday March 21st.
  6. I wear these as a night/cloudy day goggle. The sensor mirror lens is great for nighttime and overcast/pow day conditions. $35 is a steal.
  7. Gotta get your priorities straight kid!
  8. The area rep is getting rid of some of his demo and overstocked gear, and is letting stuff go for good prices. Below is a list of what he has. If interested please PM me and I will give you any other info you might need. Go to www.lineskis.com to get some more info about the skis. All skis have been mounted once and are now flat. Some are in brand new condition, and some have been skied once or twice. Prophet 90s - 179cm - $265.00 Blends - 179cm - $250.00 Chronics - 176cm - $230.00 Anthems - 178cm - $210.00 Invaders - 171cm - $160.00 Full Tilt Boots - all are brand new. These boots are the reincarnations of the Raichle Flexons, so if you spent any time in those and liked them you will probably love these. I've been on these boots all season and they are amazing. Zero shin bang, great liners, and a great all around boot. Camo - size 9 - $275.00 Bumble Bee Pro - size 6 - $270.00 Bumble Bee - size 9 - $250.00 Model A - size 9 - $225.00
  9. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like tomorrow is gonna be a urea, rake, and slave labor day...
  10. werd.
  11. none of his links work! well, some of them do buts still...
  12. Ya I really don't wanna get that into it to make that type of investment and have that much gear. I wanna be able to fit everything into a smaller bag that will hold two lenses, a camera body, and a flash or two. I don't really plan on ever getting beyond the enthusiast level. I have yet to test the Commander mode on snow, but I tried it outside on a really bright day here at home and had no problems from a wide range of distances. The flash is pretty damn sensitive. We'll see if it works or not this weekend...
  13. For the record I have no idea if they have weddings or anything scheduled, it was just a thought. When Blue has closed in the past with plenty of snow the reason we have been given is that they have banquets or other events scheduled that make it impossible to use the lodge/kitchen for both skiing and special events, so thats what I'm going off of. I know Bear is pretty busy with special events like weddings and whatnot, so I don't think that it is too much to assume. After thinking about it more there could be plenty of reasons that Bear wants to close its skiing operations on weekends. To make staying open worth it, they probably have to offer this with as little cost to them as possible. For the type of people that a 4-7 session will attract it doesn't really require much to be in place besides someone at the desk and some first aid personnel. However, if you're going to be open weekends and attract more weekend type crowds you have to pay more people to be there, making something like this more prohibitive. I certainly don't know for sure, just some musings...
  14. Sean what was up with your song kid!!??? I could barely sit through your edit!!! Killin' me man... ps. just joking with you, it is so dope to see so many PA kids in the Superunknown mixup this year.
  15. Nah man the Gotamas have been big mountain twins, some of the originals in this genre no less, for as long as I can remember. Thats why I've been so confused through this whole thread. Haha. I'm 99% sure they don't have symmetrical flex. I've heard plenty of reps say one thing and mean another, there are so many "call out" tech terms that companies use these days to market "proprietary" tech that even reps cannot keep them straight.
  16. Ya I was always impressed by how light the Gotamas felt in shops for how burly a ski they are. The Jesters are nice and light too for what they are. I'm trying to get on a pair of the 12 din Jesters when they come out. Whats their name? Starts with a C and is along the same medieval theme.... I don't feel like digging around on NS right now. Anyway, apparently they have a little more plastic in them than the Jesters to bring the weight down a bit more. I haven't needed anything more than a 12 din binding for park thus far, so think they'll be a bit better for what I'd be using them for. I've seen one online but I don't know if it would be compatible with the Jesters... Some guy was machining them for Tyrolia bindings out of his home shop. I think I bookmarked the page on my other computer at home, I'll see if I can find it.
  17. Never said your idea was stupid or anything, in fact I couldn't agree with you more. I would love to see Bear keep the hiking park open on weekends, I was just just presenting some ideas for why they might not be doing so. If you really wanted me to I could rip apart your arguments AND your grammar, but I'm not trying to do that. I'm not hating on you, I'm just criticizing the way you are delivering your argument to Bear's management because there are ways that are ten times more effective for you to do so. edit: Apologies to all for trashing up this thread, just bored in class right now... Thanks to Bear for doing this, definitely tryin' to skip evening class one day next week and roll up.
  18. Note for further posts... When trying to make a persuasive argument through writing, it is often helpful to make sure that it does not cause pain to the eyes of those reading your argument. The manufacturer of your keyboard has equipped it with an "Enter" key, as well as a "Shift" key, and finally, a "Spacebar." Making use of these features benefits not only yourself but the community as a whole. Exactly! The only one that knows you're at Bear instead of in class is you!
  19. WHAT!?!#?$%^$!!?!?!?!??? Do you have the Gotama and the Walls confused?
  20. As soon as it got cloudy I should have put my flash next to the rail and framed it out of the shot. I was shooting with the flash on the camera, but was too far away for it to do much with how much light there was. One nice thing about my camera is that it has a Commander mode and I can shoot wirelessly with my flash without any PW's or optical slaves. Problem is that as of yet I haven't played with that feature at all. I have another flash at home and I'd like to get an optical slave for it to do fill duty, that way I'll have the on body flash which functions as the Commander, and two remote units.
  21. They probably have other events that are planning for the weekend days that they'd like to use their outdoor facilities for. Spring weddings, banquets, conferences, yada yada. I know I'd wanna get married on their patio while a bunch of teens hoot and holler in the background... Get your mom to drive you up after school one or two days and be stoked they're doing anything like this at all.
  22. Its all the scene though. KT says all the time that he wished his Big Troubles were center mounted, and I just shake my head at him because I wish mine were back a little more (I mounted mine at rec'd). However, I've had at least twice as many days of deep snow on those skis, where he hasn't really been able to put them to the test in deeper snow that much. He has barely skied his because of it. Papa skies a lot more like me than he does like KT, even though I know we both have higher hopes. No harm in a little gentle ribbing (I think Papa will appreciate the NS comment), and we are fairies compared to what a lot of the "maggots" would say...
  23. Do you go on or off camera with the flash? I've heard that mounting the flash off camera using a 4-6 foot hotshoe cable can make a big difference because it is much easier to aim the flash... and thanks for the color tips, I'll try them tomorrow.
  24. Ya it will ALWAYS be my opinion that the only reason to center mount a ski like that is if you are hitting backcountry hits 95% of your time on the ski. I know you're mostly gonna be rippin' the gnar steeps at Boulder on them, but if I buy a ski like that I buy it for the 10% of the season that I get to ski hip deep blower, in which case more tip is always a good thing. There have been many cases where I wish my Dynastar Big Troubles were mounted back a couple centimeters more for the type of skier I am. I don't see you or I dropping 9's off 50 foot cornice step downs in the next five years... PS. I'm jealous you got Gotamas though. I've always wanted to rip around on a pair to see what they're like cuz I think they'd be the perfect ski for me.
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