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Everything posted by snorovr

  1. Ya they wanted that March 25th deal taken off the website ASAP. Rumor right now is 1st or 7th. We'll see I guess...
  2. Siiiiick.
  3. Sno Mountain??? Did they even open this year??? Last I heard they were trying to put pipes in for snowmaking like a week before the season... Good to hear you guys had a good season too. We are never given much to work with weatherwise, thats for sure.
  4. Gee thanks Jeff! Ya I didn't have one of my greatest days, but definitely had fun with it. Nice skiin' Dan.
  5. My crew got Seattle direct last May for $280ish, and we saw fares close to $230 if I remember correctly. Seattle-Whistler on Greyhound is like $60. We did the whole trip for under like $500 by using some extra condo points.
  6. Except for that time my girlfriends car had both windows smashed in... Granted it happened to like two other cars in the lots that day, but I haven't parked at the end of that lot since.
  7. Daaayummmmm.... Emphasis on the yummm... Good shiz.
  8. x2
  9. This is an awesome topic. I'm sure my wax choice will be shot down by the more "credible" members, but I just use Swix Universal Temp to keep my skis semi consistent.
  10. Nah its pretty big now. There are two seperate sections.
  11. Sick skis. Skied these for like 2 weeks this season and they are great for someone gettin' into park.
  12. Jonseys was two cheese wedge hits, into a hip/cheese wedge hit, into biggest hit I've ever seen stepup, into a small rail garden. Then it was a 3 jump line into a nice up box into a skinny double barrel, and a few other rail features. Jonseys didn't seem to ride nearly as nicely as Kings Crown, and considering it was two lift rides to get up there if you went all the way to Kings Crown in a run, it was just more fun the day we were there to take laps on Kings Crown.
  13. Kings Crown is totally different now. I rode it all day Tuesday with Justo, KT, and Toast and it was sooooo sick. We lapped it all afternoon and I woulda kept goin for sure. It goes FDF box, picnick table feature, Disco box, jump line with three hits into a channel gap with like 15 foot tables, into an awesome stepup/table whose landing went down and then came back up into this awesome (10-12 foot straight down and about 20 feet to knuckle) step down feature that was clear or die (Justo can tell you about the die part), into a cheese wedge with like 40ft. gap to super steep landing that went on forever, and then a random assortment of fun rails. Definitely the best park I've ridden all summer. The stepup hit in Jonesys is the craziest feature I've ever seen built in an open park. Someone have link to video of that thing??? Rage Films was filming on it when we were there, and someone got hurt on it and they closed the entire park and had a sled parked on the lip of the hit. Insanity. Where is this sport going. You had to drop in from the top of the park. Basically imagine the speed you could get straightlining from the wallride on Sidewinder to hit an imaginary jump on Lower Lazy Mile.
  14. I just got back. It was definitely awesome. Bummer about not being able to make it up the canyon. I got Alta on Saturday and it was the best day at Alta I've ever had. We caught Baldy and Devils Castle right as they were dropping the gate. Sooooo good.
  15. Skiers can do more on skinnier rails because they are easier to grip/pretzel. The only thing boxes are good for is spin to win. Snowboarders can look nice on boxes, but there really isn't a ton skiers can do besides spin on and off. The skiers that are winning jams now are doing so by doing technical pretzel switchup combos and the like on skinnier rails, not just 270/450 on or off, etc...
  16. Great vid Wez! Only saw your shadow in a couple of the shots, def. tough to keep that kinda stuff clean on some of those sunny days. Vid has a great feel to it, flows real nice, and gets me amped to ride. Good bail edit too. Good work son. And yes, life is one big competition nowadays. No more doing things for the fun of it. C'mon man, everyone knows that by now...
  17. Game over for a Wagoneer with a sirenator that is on and some double diddle action.
  18. Nah they do. They use it more than the ski school!!!
  19. Most likely not. If the mountains open it should happen. I heard from a little bird on my window that the weather isn't sposed to move in until later, hopefully after the comp. We'll see won't we...
  20. snorovr

    Park skis?

    Played that NS game ehh?
  21. Ahhhhhhh maybe I didn't look around enough on the site. Good call.
  22. Who did you have a problem with? Older guys or the kids who are actually in the program? Werd to that.
  23. Yes, depending on ability level. Instructors should be able to evaluate their ability of their lesson and know where to go and where not to go.
  24. And the pipe and parks! At least at Blue this is the case. "No lessons in the pipe or parks FOREVER!" - whiteboard in the instructor ready room.
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