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Everything posted by snorovr

  1. Ski I didn't want this to get outa hand. I realized I offended you so I explained myself in the thread thinking that I was being a level headed mod, trying to "hold myself to a higher standard." I don't think Glenn felt offended (he even put question marks in his thread asking if something was wrong with me), and explained myself after you seemed to have a misunderstanding about that as well. The Dr. Phil comment was meant by me to add some humor to what I thought you were overreacting to, and for all I can see was taken by all other members as a humorous comment. As a respected member of these forums for the advice you often give and the time you spend here, I would expect that you take up personal problems with mods through PMs, and would hope you do so in the future.
  2. Thanks for the advice ski.
  3. Don't forget the full massage machines! I heard they sourced them from that aqua massage place in the mall.
  4. Nice I hit Mountain Creek last Sunday! Still haven't done road to no where yet though... Thing bugs me out every time. I almost wrecked on Doms because there were all these people walking around in the landing. No biggie, just puttin' it out there in case you wanted to put in an app. I'm just trying to build a bigger contact list for the skiing/riding programs. Does you calling me a dick give me reason to put you on mod preview? Just playing, I would never do that to an "old timer" like yourself.
  5. Dude you got ripped off! How are you supposed to ride switch in those!?!?
  6. I agree with First Grade. I could care less that I didn't get to see it as long as they get the freakin thing in. Ya I woulda liked to roll up if I could, but I think they did a pretty good job with the webcam and posting pics. I've noticed they've been giving the website pretty regular updates. Anyone know any dates on the rental shop sale yet???
  7. I swear you're gettin checks from them... See top of thread. Progress/info is less than 24 hours old???
  8. Haha damn with the inflammatory comments tonight! I'm tryin' to keep things light. I'm gonna start rummaging through your mailbox and look for BB return address and envelopes that look like they have checks in em... I'm definitely gonna try to ride all the mountains at least once this year, and may even get to Mountain Creek for the first time on a random weekday. I don't think you'll see me employed at BB this year unless they can do 15 an hour with benefits, a vehicle w/ gas compensation, and some type of lodging. Any offers?
  9. Freeride program is runnin' strong. We are taking applications and if you know anyone who is interested shoot me a PM with their e-mail. Skier150 hasn't posted in a lil bit save for the rail jams. I think he's just busy kayaking. Dudes are crazy its waaay too cold for that stuff.
  10. Do they have a park crew recruiting budget that we don't know about?
  11. Which is why we need hard working park crews at our local mountains. With the right tools and enough hands the parks should remain in great shape all day. Another positive effect of have the crew in the park on a much more visible basis is the fact that in the ideal situation customers will have uniformed and qualified people to answer questions they might have about parks, the newest and most foreign aspect of skiing/riding to many people. Speaking from experience, a crew of riders yelling at a father and his two 8 year olds to get off the jump or not jump off lips to rails is not exactly the most effective and customer friendly way.
  12. My point that I brought up in the first place was that I personally am going to wait until like January before I admit that any mountain has the best, or what I think is the best, park. There is no problem at all with making predictions. I'm amped to be a part of the park and freeride scene at Blue, and having skied there for a number of years I have a pretty good understanding about how things tend to progress up there. As people have said, Blue stepped it up more last year by many times more than they had ever progressed in the past, and with things I've seen and heard thus far I believe will do so again this year. I've skied at Boulder twice. Loved their jumpline, hated their jibs. They've brought in some great experience and it will be fun to see what comes of that this year. Any history from them can't really be used as evidence of things to come, because as Papa argues, everything is "new." So far Bear has kinda been the benchmark for our local parks. Last year was a little disappointing, but in years prior they've done a great job with the parks. They've proven they know how to make a fun park for our area, and with the improvements they know they need to make they will have a great setup this year. Are two guys going to be able to maintain an entire park though? There is a big factor here that I think alot of people are missing, and that is park crew. With all the traffic in a non-pass park, the one obvious prediction I feel safe making is that park crews are going to be a deciding factor in who has the "best" parks. Its tough finding guys and girls who don't put down the rake when their buddies ride by, or want to lock into certain hours for the weekends. Everyone wants to be able to go to comps, and part of being on a crew is giving some of this up. I know for a fact that every mountain tends to go through park crew employees for these reasons and more, and thats an issue that will play a bigger part than I think most realize. Apologies if I'm wrong.
  13. Thats the mechanism that broke on the Comet quad last season. It wasn't spacing the chairs correctly so they had to get a new part.
  14. So I felt like the Good News thread had alot of extraneous BS in it so I'm making a new thread for the update. 1) As of now we are going to open with some features on Come Around. This will function as a park at least until we can get the other parks open. This will be our first opening with a terrain park and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't stoked. 2) The C-box in the first pic will be put on a bank, and actually has a bit of bank to it. We'll see what that looks like when we get to that point but it should setup real nice. 3) Some nice mellow flat rails, around 40ft. in length of four inch stock and some that are more butter box wide, closer to eight. 4) 40 foot down flat down. Transitions will be curved, not sharp angles. So that should be a pretty smooth feature. I can't wait to hit that one myself. 5) Schoolbus is going to be setup as a butter box along its length. Right now eight inches wide is floatin' around, but we'll see. 6) There will be a much more full-time presence of the park crew this year. 7) Some new intro type butter boxes. 8) Wider trail = more room for jumps = more jumps. We are really amped to get a good jump line going this year, and really want the park to flow well. There are sure to be more updates/pics as the season draws near. Everyone is very occupied with getting the lift in, but there is a ton of attention being given to the parks, and we are gonna have a sick season!
  15. Lets hope you don't ride like you spell this year Nips.
  16. I don't agree with this post. I won't know if I'm wrong or not until like midway through the season though.
  17. Plenty of things if you work there
  18. Ya I might delete that post...
  19. www.skibluemt.com webcam is in bottom left corner. click that sh$t.
  20. There are makin hella progress right now. Definitely cool to watch.
  21. Nice glad to hear they got there ok. I'll buy you something at the food counter when Blue opens to make up for that extra 80 cents.
  22. Someone is moving around the webcam a ton, and I see people walkin around, but nothing is really happening.
  23. nice job. I think it would be mad hard on skis, but definitely cool on the board.
  24. Haha. I was meaning that I like a pipe that is going to challenge me. The mini pipes are ok, but not for where I'm at personally. One of the best days I had skiing last year was doin laps on Killingtons pipe with Justo. I by no means was throwin down any huge tricks with any style, but I was getting better and better each lap, and hope to get pipe down alot better this year. The mini pipes are just too mini. Everything looks hucked and its just not my preference of riding arenas. If any "oldtimer" feels dissed, feel free to pm me and I'll forward it to Dr. Phil and see what he has to say about it.
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