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Everything posted by steezy

  1. I got first tracks down marjies and close to first tracks on the dromidary.. both were all powder but margies was all powder at the bottem
  2. Wow that sucks for the kid stuck from the lift, sounds like it would be a scarey ordeal for an 11 year old.... Congrats to the park crew... see papa not all cb employes are bad people... kevin saved that kids life
  3. dj pyle j/k no there are alot of psia instructers at camelback.. most of the adult instructers are psia and a few of the childrens instructers are..
  4. i can remember when I was a little kid my dad going out west and skiing in june..... wow that would be awsome
  5. either we get some punk or some slow rap with a good beat that you can dance too......... thats like the only kind of park music I like ..... something that you either get pumped too or something that that has a nice beat
  6. idk when I was at camelback this weekend they didnt look like to good of bumps... no rythem to them at all but hey maybe they got better
  7. yeah we gotta hook up sometime soon... I will be busy all next sat but maybe sunday we can hook up for a few turns......
  8. yeah sat was real nice the park was awsome but the snow was super grippy... I saw a few pasr kids
  9. hopefully they will blow this weekend it is suspsed to be cold enough... I think
  10. yeah if I was there I would video tape the whole thing and then posted it all over the web!! lol lol j/k
  11. I really like rhodo or asp they are really nice
  12. yeah if it was just school groups we could give out the passes..... but camelback wanted the whole mountain tested
  13. I do that all the time in the park... when the little kids take down the fence around the beggining of the pipe
  14. Camelback actually thought about doing this but the patrol rejected it because it would take to much time to test everyone on the mountain
  15. my aunt is deb pyle lol lol I had no clue she was that old rofl
  16. that would be awsome... and if they were on the top of the mountain that would be even cooler
  17. yeah I saw you down by nile
  18. although its a good idea I seriously doubt that CB will make Nile a terrian park. This is because it is a begginer favorite and its there longest trail. Papa- Why do you care you don't even attempt park anyway ??
  19. steezy

    Wind & Lifts

    hahahahaha yea you would be the bitch when a gust of 70mph came across the top( like they did all day today) and your quad chair flys off... it doesnt take much to get 'em goin sideways.... and if they go up to a 90 degree angle your fallin off and so is the chair. dude its 55 I think.. im pretty sure about that the quads automatically shut down when the wind speed hits 40 mph you can do anything about that
  20. steezy

    The Big Race

    Ok so I just regestered on nastar and my name is DJ Pyle. skidude: If I medal.... do I actually get a medal ?
  21. steezy

    The Big Race

    I will regester tonight. But since I dont have internet up in the poconos I will have to wait until sunday night until I know my time........ If I can I will let someone know my name so they can tell me if I won or not.
  22. steezy

    The Big Race

    papa- just be a man(or a girl, whatever you prefer) and accept the terms..... Yes I knew that 2 runs down nastar cost $5 but I thought that you had to pay another regetraion fee if you were doing it competivly. anyway thanks for the good luck!! same to you nah dude when I open my mouth I back it up...
  23. steezy

    The Big Race

    Im defentely entering now, I thought that the entry fee was alot more than 5 dollars... sat sometime I will try to get some free time during the middle of the day btw Im not using a speed suit just regular stuff... I will prolly take my jacket off though idk.....I have never done gates but Im sure I will do good... this should be fun How many pratice runs do we each get ?
  24. steezy

    The Big Race

    Nice skimom, I agree with you on this. I dont like to race gates, not that I wont, but its travling the same line that alot of other people have already skied. I see no fun in that. Papa, if the resort allwoed we would go back counrty... I that is a real race.... So papa, anytime next weekend on any trail( no nastar because I dont have any money to regester) any time... papa: so you get a parking spot.... what do I get...... nothing
  25. steezy

    The Big Race

    This is my offical challenge papa. Im challenging you to a race down a Camelback trail. Sometime next weekend. Let me know what you think.....
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