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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. normally i can post and beat all your totals, but right now here in NH it is doing nothing but pouring rain and a balmy 55 degrees out....im transferring
  2. i'm pumped for this, i have spring break starting friday and now that i can ski CB for free i might head up saturday morning, sunday monday tuesday and wednesday before heading to NC Wednesday night I'm impressed with this deal
  3. my parents had to put my snow boots inside my ski boots in order for them to fit me, btw if u use the tip locks find ones that can't come off, or hope your kid isn't like me, by the time i was 2 1/2 i could get them off by shifting my legs...my parents didn't like that at all
  4. we ended up with 8 inches stoping around 10:30 am and now it's blue skys and i'm sure the mts are amazing
  5. it started a lil while ago up here and we have about 3 inches
  6. nice pics
  7. the new hotel should do wonders for the traffic that has BEEN a problem too....oh joy
  8. we have a lovely heavy rain falling, along with 50 mph winds, downed powerlines, a river that will prolly flood the student parking lots(but no way to know if we should move our cars b.c we can't get to our e-mail) and we will most likely lose power, and we don't have back up sourses. YAY!
  9. aww, congrats Ty i remember when i was able to finally ride the lift by myself, you felt like queen(or king) of the moutnain.
  10. it's up to my knees so a lil over a foot here in the poconos, it's nice and fluffy. we have shoveled my driveway like 5 times and each time it's been about 3 to 4 inches it's crazy
  11. haha, at 6:20 we had 11 inches and still falling
  12. they are talking about closing the roads up here, they can't plow it fast enough its soo funny
  13. haha i thought u guys might want some snow so i brought it with me from NH, i got in around 8:30 last night and we have a TON of snow here.
  14. Kelly is an amazing racer, and she put up with alot last yr from the boys who didn't think she could race(but they learned fast) i'm glad to see CB getting on that list
  15. i've skied and raced with a few on the board
  16. congrats, have fun at cannon, i'd come watch but i'll be in the Poconos
  17. that would be nice, we've closed twice for snow but nothing for wind yet, and we normally get a few days in the spring b.c of flooding
  18. Metz is right They close lifts up here because of winds rather often. we have been battling the winds all weeks. it's nuts, i got blown over today walking to class.
  19. two feet, and snow drifts WAY over my head
  20. we have atleast 18 inches and they are calling for another 15 inches tonight, that would mean a 6 day weekend for me....that would be awesome
  21. we are at like a foot and half, i guess idk it's still coming down, they gave up onplowing earlier, but have started again, but it's pointless. i have pics and when i become unlazy i'll put them up
  22. idk, i'd say 4 inches, can't really tell, but its still snowing hard, with no signs of stopping. we havn't hit the heavy stuff yet. i'll give u guys the total tomorrow when it stops. they were saying 2 ft min. thats half my body hight
  23. i miss everyone, come do a pasr day up here, cannon, ragged, waterville, loon, take ur pick. i think i can get u half off tickets for cannon
  24. haha, wow yeah most people are taller than me
  25. did i really, i skied really bad that night
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