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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. we cleaned out my locker this morning and got a refund on the pass, but my dad didn't ask how much but when the statement comes i'll let you knwo how much we got back for ours
  2. Well i saw the doctor today, any body want my season pass? i've got a brused bone, a sprained knee and the best part.......*sniff* i tore my ACL and i'm done for the season. i'm going back up to the doctors on monday to have this other guy who will do the surgery just to really decide that it's torn, then we will schedule surgery and all that good stuff.
  3. i don't think they can clip you for not saying anything but if you do say no i would never wear the outfit you had on that night to CB again...they will hunt you down
  4. skigurl


    if i can convince my parents to let me go up i might come up for the morning, not ski or anything just go up...sitting at home and going to the doctors is getting old and boring.
  5. MRI on thursday, no gym for 2 weeks...or untill we get it all figured out, he thinks there is alot of swelling...i think i just have fat knees, and i go to the othro on ....ohh still have to make that apt.
  6. anyone ever have one of these thingys on ur leg, and if yes know of any comfortable ways to get sleep with it on...i'm not allowed to take it off.
  7. thats soo cute...i have those same goggles
  8. skigurl


    it looked like a fun course today...standing at the window watching isn't as good as skiing it
  9. skigurl


    STOP making excuses Atomic.....
  10. i plan to be back at practice by Saturday
  11. the CB racer left last night, and it was a huge thing. i stuck around to watch first runs from everyone today and everyone did really well, dude did hike though...interesting morning...cold, and windy but not snowing whiched helped
  12. hey guys, thanks for all the support. no broken or fractured bones(which is very good) i'm in a knee immpobilizer(sp) untill i go to the orthopedic(sp) guy(who i am best friends with from my swimming injuries) they will most likely do a MRI to check everything that a x-ray can't pick up. it is much better then yesterday. i just can't fully extend it or bend it most then like 15 degrees. as for the fall, i guess roomers were going crazy, i dont' remember what i did but my dad said that i got stuck in powder and lost balance then went rolling forward and my ski didn't pop off so the back of my left ski went into the ground and it pulled my knee the opposite direction that i was going in. i scarted crying befor i even start sliding down the hill and i never cry. but i had a great time and i'm really hoping to be training by the weekend if not sooner
  13. haha, that works....let us knwo what happens
  14. doesn't make sence, they know what the board is, and they know the kid stole it...done deal give the board back and fine the kids
  15. skigurl


    uhh that sounds about right, but i told my dad not to gate keep so he can run my jacket and pants down to the bottom....this whole freezein ur butt off just doesn't work for me
  16. skigurl


    haha, thanks skimom, are you doing out or is skidad going out?
  17. skigurl


    lol, actaully i'm kinda looking forward to it just to see what USSA SL races are like
  18. skigurl


    this weekend is SL..... <i'll prefect that technique
  19. skigurl


    i'll start puking now...
  20. enough to go sled riding....
  21. it's 4:02, temp is up from 10 to 13 right now, still snowing with 4 inches on the ground...it's fluffy though, so it'll prolly flatten out to like 1 1/2 if it seatles
  22. skigurl


    it has picked up here and we have like 3 inches of powder
  23. skigurl


    haha, yeah we now have snow on the ground so it kinda makes sence to get out early
  24. skigurl


    yeah i'm at east and we just got home...i love going to "messed up" schools
  25. skigurl


    what school do you go to...we are trying to figure out if we are ganna get out early.
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