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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. skigurl


    word about the storm was out this mornig in my school. everyone is getting ready...Ican't wait, it should make driving home from pennstate onsunday fun...
  2. okay, i'm kinda going by what ppl have said, and ski999 or skidude might be able to correct me even more, but i think you p-tex it, and then after that is done you scrape it to get all the extra off (the build up around it), and maybe wax it after that or something.... might be some help... http://www.angelfire.com/film/snowsliding/repair.html
  3. they are miss prints, and i was talking to the ppl there and they said they were letting most ppl up with them after they got a call that it was okay around 12
  4. OMG...CB was awesome...it was sooo nice....ahhh, i wish there wern't so many ppl up there though...other wise i'd still be there but i plan to go back up tonight.
  5. i don't think i've ever seen a mountain described the way you just did Ski999...wow
  6. i've been waiting for that list forever, i checked it as soon as i got to school
  7. skigurl

    Broken Boots

    does atomic have heel and toe replacements...that might be chaaper then a new boot if you do end up having to get a new boot
  8. skigurl

    Broken Boots

    u ppl all have big feet, i wear a frecking like a 22.0
  9. ok, it's snowing and has been snowing for the past 3 days, we have a lovely 3 ft of powder just waiting for everyone to come ski on.
  10. well it's been ice and sleet for 2 hrs....and thats all it looks like it's ganna be
  11. we are getting more ice....I can't wait, it's my favorite thing, I?ll start filling the bathtub up with water now....<note the sarcasm
  12. *update* Tuesday January 11, 2005 at 2:16 pm the snow is still falling in tiny flakes, and we have just hit the 2 inch mark. it isn't supossed to turn over to ice until 6pm.
  13. it really wants to go and so does missy but mommy won't even take me let alone let me take me, but i kinda don't blame her, we've seen ppl spin out on our road already. Well i shall say good bye for now, i have a feeling my power will be going back out, a cpuple ppl who had goten there power back are saying they are losing it again and i am prolly coming up soon on the list pf ppl.
  14. *update* Tuesday January 11, 2005 at 12:56 we have about an inch of fresh powder on the ground, and still coming strong in little flakes which means it's no where near the end....
  15. skigurl

    999 rips

    what were you taping?
  16. hehe i got outa it! no race...no power it's all good...YAY!
  17. you guys head back monday(ESU right?) right?, if we get this ice storm you may get an extra day off. we heard today that if the ice storm hits like it's supossed to tomorrow and the power goes out agian they won't get it back on till like monday
  18. it was horrible, i mean yeah you guys prolly had it worse but for us we for the most part never loose power up here like we did the past couple days. i felt extremly bad for those who only had electic heating supplies. thank god we have a coal stove and a gas fire place. we had to melt snow to get water to like flush the toilet and stuff. but the wosre had(and still is a threat) watching the icing trees fall. we've got like 10 houses by us i think that have trees on them. and then the trees falling on the power lines with the ice is just making things soo much better. we went out to eat tonight and two groups of 20 electic companies were getting the first meal sence the power had gone out yesterday morning.
  19. yes this is true...but hopefully it will not come true, i dont' think i can take anymore ice...
  20. the quads maybe shut down due to the power problem we have been having, not positive but it was on off all day yesterday then off for a good 24 hrs and now it's back to being on off
  21. i've heard it on the radio...havn't been able to watch TV lately...no power, but i'll look for it
  22. well lets see, i have had no power for about 24 hrs....totaly not cool, this ice sucks, sry to stop putting up updates but i have not been able to get online. Hope you guys had fun taking showers, and being able to go ot the bathroom
  23. yes ice has takin over here in the poconos...NOT COOL
  24. *update* 9:44 AM Thursday January 6, 2005 The snow has settled and in my three tests spots only measures about 1 1/4 inch of snow. Covering all of the snow is about 1/2 of ice. thus we have a snow day today.
  25. *update* 10:42 pm Wednesday January 5, 2005 turning to a sleeting snow, still acculumating, i think it's like 2 parts snow 1 part sleet but not totaly sure. ~Next update will be in the morning if i have school and in the afternoon is i don't~
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