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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. *update* 10:17 pm on Wednesday January 5, 2005 still snowing, tiny flakes but coming down hard and reaching 3 inches. Sticking to everything at this point
  2. ok well all day(well all night) i'v been like a little kid on chirstmas morning, it is still snoing and we almost have 2 1/2 inches
  3. its icing the roads and making snow on like grass and stuff, it's a heavy wet snow, but it's enough to close school so it's all good, not ideal skiing weather but hey it's a start
  4. it's snowing and sticking and snowing and sticking...
  5. the snow stoped for a while and has now picked back up...still not sticking, but according to the weather it's not supossed to be snowing yet, it isn't ganna snow till tonight...
  6. well it's snowing, but melting, icing ect.
  7. we are now getting snow and sleet at the same time, the roads are getting the ice and everything else is getting snow.
  8. well we are off today..and everyone is still trying to figure out why. it was sleeting early this morning. if it starts to snow i'll let everyone know
  9. thanks skimom, it wasn't too bad Now all i have to do is conquer the SL course next weekend
  10. i love my new helmet and so does everyone i ski with(they thought my other one made me look like a 2 yr old) and i don't have any problem with noise, just the strap for the chin that flaps but i'm ganna duct take it and make it stop.
  11. last yr we set a SL right next to nastar, it was fun...hehe
  12. i hate going to the dentist and i for the most part don't even get cavities, i think i have a total of 1, maybe two, and the one i know i have is b.c of my braces
  13. i've never seen them fall but they cut ppl off
  14. half of ski patrol at CB should be watching that video b.c they have NOO clue how to ski, i'm sorry yeah they help save lifes but come on, if they are skiing outa control or cutting ppl off then something needs to be said
  15. they telepathical find out that we are on the race team and then they make sure they watch us so that as soon as the see for one second that we are outa control they can take our pases
  16. haha, CB's team gets rocket for like 2 hrs on saturday and thats it, other wise we have to share with everyone, ppl just love us, and the rangers are our best friends....
  17. dude everyone was falling on run two of the first race, he did a nice fall though, i missed a gate, one girl fell and like screwed her leg up, everyone had problems, the course was sooo messed up
  18. skigurl

    P-tex burning?

    thats how skidude does it i think, either skidude or ski999 would prolly be someoen to answer this question best
  19. skigurl

    'Dude does NY

    he said they were hoping to be back at like 6 tonight or something like that
  20. skigurl

    'Dude does NY

    haha, now thats gotta be a fun race to be at. i was looking at the forcast and we are supossed to have almost the same weather at the MC race on Wednesday
  21. skigurl


    went up tonight, ice is starting to show, very windy, i was going full speed down tut and as soon as it opened up i came to a compleat stop b.c of the wind
  22. we got snow and it was 0 when i woke up at 8(sry we had a 2 hr delay) off to school then up to CB
  23. no b.c then we would actually have to go to school and work, why do that when you've got like 4 resorts right in the area that you could be riding or skiing at....
  24. our busses start when it's cold out, the only time they couldn't start last yr was when it was -12 out, we can start our busses but we have such a large school district that the upper part can have a ft of snow and the lower part only have an inch but we have ot close b.c of the upper part
  25. well 380 is closed, 42 accedents on it, it's sleeting/snowing depending on where you are in the poconos and the raods are looking bad.....(my sister's bestfriend's dad is head of PennDOT)
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