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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. skigurl


    ehh they actually put the bar down on me a couple times
  2. it's snowing(hard) and sticking right now...PLZ NO SCHOOL
  3. skigurl


    i've got one sticker on each Helmet, and i also have one on my civic
  4. Visibility was HORRIBLE this morning, either you kept ur goggles on and didn't get sleet in them and couldn't see or you took them off so you could see but got sleet in your eyes
  5. skigurl


    well i'm heading up for round 2 of opening weekend(i guess) hopfully conditions are just as good as yesterday
  6. skigurl


    first day out...deff missed the first chair...i was there at like 7:45 but didn't realize what time it was by the time i got outa the team room. Awesome conditions for the first day...i was in heaven. Left around 2:30 b.c it just got to be to many ppl for the amount of trails open(there were already busses there), i think it should be locals only on opening weekend
  7. lol, i don't mind putting it down, but i have like bar ophoiba(sp) and it goes up with like 2 lift towers to go, and if you really wait till the last minute i start flippin
  8. i might go up...not sure if the drive and ticket are worth it
  9. she fell, the story is sorta strange but what i'm telling you is what was told to the rental shop when they got the helmet back. Somehow 5 students got on the chair lift(nothing against the lifties) and when they were over the second turn of pharoh(the second one that you go over on the lift, right by race way) the chair shifted, and as soon as they were right next to the rocks she droped, i was there the night after it had happened and i saw the helmet(the rental shop holds them and gives it to the manufacture or something like that) and it was totaly saturated in blood. i believe she suffered two broken legs fractured skull, and broken wrist i think...not to positive on the injuries.
  10. skigurl


    i think i saw what 'dude is talking about one time i was there and it's not a sodering iron
  11. if you go in the younger grades with our school they make you get a helmet, last yr a girl fell off the lower quad(from the middle school) and they say her helmet saved her life
  12. skigurl


    Loft has and so does race-werks.com, and reliableracing.com
  13. i've been skiing for lets see 14 to 15 yrs now, and last yr i'd say my helmet saved at least a few brain cells, and maybe even a head injury at least 10 times.
  14. i had one when i was much younger(like age 2-5) but when i grew out of that one i never go t a new one untill they were starting to infoce them for lessons, and with the school, ever since then my mom won't let me or my sister ski with out them.
  15. ok i'm totaly gussing on this one, but for a smaller child who's head is smaller if they were to fall with out a helmet it would be easy for the head and there for the neck to flex(and do kinda a tuck a roll thing), but when you but a "bulky" helmet on a child most helmets stop right in the middle of your neck so if you fall and that part of the helmet has the chance to hit the back of the neck hard enough it would do damage expicaily since a childs bones(structure) is not as developed or as strong as an adults
  16. Nestors in Allentown has a really good guy by the name of Bill, he knows what he's doing, he did mine last night .
  17. skigurl


    If we have early practice(and 'dude isn't going to races) i think he and i will have beat all of you to who gets the first chair but i don't know if we have early practice
  18. skigurl


    the mountain as off 3 pm today has a nice light blanket of white(you can't see green or brown which is always a start) They plan to turn the snow guns on tonight(inside voice coming from a reliable source) and right now we have been going in and out of snow squalls
  19. it's like really really snowing up here, they better turn the guns on soon!!!!!
  20. skigurl

    new skis

    dude they are nice...they are blue, very good choice
  21. ohh man, gore is awesome...cheap tickets if you go to a store up there and buy (i think) mt. dew it's like 5$ off weekend tickets and 10$ off week day tickets(or at least it was last yr). i love gore, there can be a million people there and all parking lots are full but yet you can ski a trail all by yourself. it's awesome
  22. skigurl

    new skis

    what type of skiing are you looking to do and where is your main spot for skiing? and for cheaper skis i'd look on ebay or type in the exact ski you want and look online, it is for the most part much cheaper then buying at a store
  23. skigurl

    new skis

    I'm 4'10 and weight about 150 and ski on 175s
  24. How do you know it's a guy...maybe it's a girl on ladies bandits
  25. Hey welcome back...
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