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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. skigurl


    i don't think there is, i'll check when i'm at school b.c then i have a better view but i thinkmost of it's gone b.c of all the rain we have had
  2. skigurl


    I was surprised you(skidude) didn't walk up the mountain and ski anyway
  3. How come skierforever can bash everything and i can't even say "ppl prolly won't be coming back in november" god the daves really need to grow up.
  4. in the pic i'm guessing, (in no order b.c i can't tell that much) Adam, Carol B, Hellan(sp)
  5. is it all boys?
  6. haha, i think it goes to his head sometimes, but thats ok i guess
  7. Light beers make me puke/gag, i kinda like corona, but like i said b4 beer just isn't my thing
  8. skigurl


    i know why....sry
  9. ohh wow, i was expecting him to have busted the SL ski that he claims i messed up.
  10. which ski did he bust?
  11. if the dude gets hammered i want pics of it
  12. he isn't all the little, he's like 6 ft tall
  13. well it looks like the conditions didn't make a difference, if i did it right, Adam was 3rd outa 7 for male 15-16 expert. I think this means he races tomorrow but i'm not sure. I'm trying to figure out if skimom raced, because her results arn't up yet, but who knows.
  14. ok i should prolly know how to do this, but b.c i'm seeing double of about everything, how did 'dude do?
  15. skigurl


    yea they normally have a end of the season group pic, i wonder where it is
  16. skigurl


    they were ganna start something in the Cat team room/locker rooms starting one the 22nd of march no mater what
  17. skigurl


    there is still snow at CB, and i don't think they have started the new slide...maybe idk, but they also need to set the rest of CBeach up so.....
  18. ok then her helmet isn't bigger then mine, mines a kids M, but my goggles are deff. smaller then those ones, b.c i have that pair to but i don't use them
  19. dude she has like the same size helmet that ihave and i think her goggles are bigger then mine
  20. was she still moving when the pic was taken?
  21. the dude give up ski time at different places?? are you nuts, he would drive 6 hrs ski in the pouring rain, with almost no snow, for 4 hrs of skiing and then drive home 6 hrs.
  22. i havn't heard anything from him yet, and don't expect to hear anything. I'm not even sure what they were doing, but i'm pretty sure they were not at PC all week, just ending up there for the races.
  23. well that makes me feel much better
  24. isn't that a movie about an airplane crash or something?
  25. stop, i have the whole week to get threw, and i'm not fond of that whole flying thing to begin with, the whole idea of the plane crashin sits in the back of my head all day long and then there are the races, and skiing.....ahhh i was doing so good too, u guys are ganna pay for this one
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