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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. haha the ONE time i made it to do nastar at blue last yr was a fun time, untill the gate got me in the back.
  2. see tussey = bad for racers
  3. congrats dude
  4. Congrats Adam! saturday and sunday are both PA Cup SL
  5. skigurl


    tomorrow is gs?
  6. skigurl


    who is going to twood tomorrow?
  7. i really don't understand why you need to know where he is, unless u are like a friend of his...and not one of those people who says they are friends with a person but the other person hates your guts, my guess is skiing somewhere.
  8. some people think it's best to put a bike helmet on their head, put a leash on them and put them in the half pipe...thats not a good idea. now as for best program i really don't know, CB's is good, but it's also the only one i really know. just some tips, dress them in layers, don't push them, and if they want to take a snack/potty/rest break let them, it will make ur day alot nicer then if u push them. my parents rule of thumb was 4 runs then a 5 min break(this was from the time i was 18 months, till i was 4) unless i said i wanted to keep going.
  9. they always pick like five trails to blow on then move, not sure why, it would be awesome if they could turn all the guns on. i think it has to do with the water limits, they can only use so much of it at a time i believe. anyway it looks better now with white stuff on the ground and not pavement. hopefully we will be skiing thursday night.
  10. yeah i played tennis outside in shorts and a t-shirt, and just stayed in shorts all day because it was so hot. it's cooler now but we are going hiking today b.c there is nothing else
  11. THIS SUCKS!!! I'M SICK OF IT, IT'S DEPRESSING! they don't even have a whole lot of snow at school yet. but at this point if it's not ganna be winter stop teasing us and just make it hot so there is atleast something to do, in stead of stare at the little snow we do have
  12. some of CB instructors are okay, some a really good, some SUCK, i personally like watching the ones that suck just for enjoyment
  13. aww you guys love each other
  14. CB is pumping out snow...it's so nice to see the lights and the mt with snow guns
  15. alot of places are open, or opening soon. idk how good the conditions are, other than the last 2 days it's been really warm
  16. megan where in NH are you ganna be skiing?
  17. if you are in a city area now, and you like it you might want to stay south(compaired to the new england schools), UNH is a bit bigger and has more to do, as well as any school in boston. Plymouth on the other hand has a movie theather that plays one movie at a time, walmart, hanafords, marshals, and a dunkin. alot of kids go home but those who don't know how to have fun on the weekends. some go hiking, others do work, and some party. i love being up here, the weekends when everyone doesn't go home we party all weekend, then the weekends that alot of people go home i get alot of my school work done. it's really a personality thing, try going 3 weeks with out going anywhere except a walmart or food store, if you are still okay and not dieing then schools up north are okay for you, if you find yourself willing to do ANYTHING just to go to a burgerking, or your favorite store in the local mall than up north is not for you. Good Luck
  18. yes i go to Plymouth State and we have kegs, and we party 6 days a week, because there is NOTHING to do here, but get drunk and high, but we love it anyway and i'm not kidding when i say there is nothing to do here, we are in the middle of no where, when it snows it kicks ass and we have a shit load to do, but you can't even go shopping here, all we have is a walmart
  19. well, in NH we just hit 70 today, and most of the snow on the mountains melted
  20. skigurl


    i talked to my mom and she said it snowed....i miss being able to see the mt from my house, although now i can see mountains twice as big, but can't see any resorts...
  21. cb just lost like a million girls(j1/2), i can only count 4, and there was orgianlly going to be alot
  22. i don't know how big their team is, but i just found out that the girls will be racing at Montage/Sno Mountain now
  23. so are his girls now skiing for montage or are they staying at CB?
  24. i'm running into a HUGE problem, we don't get OLN, it was the first thing i checked for when we hooked up the TV, i'm not sure what i'm going to do
  25. according to papers two feet of snow fell in western New York yesterday and last night. could this be a sign that we are going to get LOTs of snow this winter? i hope so
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