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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. 33 in NH, hopfully snow on mt washington
  2. NH, Plymouth State
  3. no big trips. just skiing around school at loon, waterville valley, tenney, and a few others, and then skiing at CB when i'm home.
  4. skigurl

    you search girl?

    haha you guys are amazing, but u all need girlfriends, or we need more girls on here or something, so you can all stop drooling over bots......i read somewhere that there is an increase in females in the skiing and snowboarding industry.....
  5. skigurl


    Volkl Gamma - 142's two years old Volkl P60 GS race - 175's two years old Dynstar SL race - 156's (were demo's then skimom had them, then me) all with bindings PM me if you are interested
  6. my sister got throne in a pool with her cell phone.....but it doesn't work anymore, and she can't get it replaced b.c they have this thing to see if it's water that killed it, and if it is they don't replace it b.c ppl used to get them wet just to get the new upgrades sooner
  7. skigurl


    we have lots of security at our school, and now we even have a state trooper! GO PMEHS!
  8. SKI!
  9. i didn't get one, and we only got one pass so my guess is it only went to families.
  10. yeah, my mom did the same thing back in the fall so she had them for band comps, macy day parade, and for skiing, it was the ones that are orange and yellow but i've never noticed a difference
  11. i've never lost mine while skiing but i have the Motorola V266 which has been droped and steped on, and i even droped my ski boot on it one time, and it still works....
  12. ebay is amazing! i got a pair of race skis really cheap(NEW), my whole ski rack for like 1/4 of what i would have payed if i bought it in a shop, and a helmet that i paid 35 for and it should have been 150!i've also bought 4 or 5 pairs of bindings, it's great. just look for sellers with good feedback, and if they have negitive feed back read why, some are stupid reasons and the buyer was at fault
  13. it kinda sucks, but i'm ready for a break from all the people who come to vacation here. i'm disapointed i missed clsoing weekend but i heard it wasn't great, and i'll be in FL this coming weekend so i'm not to upset
  14. i know kids who were dieing to make it to that race but all the spots were full.
  15. not depressed yet, i still have 3 days out west
  16. skigurl

    Pa Cups

    luckly my mom wasn't there, but my dad was right next to my fall and i started freaking before i stoped sliding and he was like miss just calm down but all i wanted was my ski off(yet again my left ski didn't release). sadly i won't be here for that race, the marching band has to go to Flordia, i'm kinda upset, i really want to go but a whole week away from my parents with some of my closest friends my sr yr isn't looking all that bad
  17. skigurl

    Pa Cups

    friday-not a good day, i don't even know how but i got extremly late, and then fell on the 3rd gate of the head wall. not a horrible fall but painfull, i spent most of saturday working on getting my range of motion back(didn't race saturday) Sunday- much better day, no falls and two half good runs. the first one was very conservitive, with one of the slowest times i think, then my second run was 100% better,
  18. accuweather is only predicting 55
  19. keystone is where we are staying(my aunt and uncle got a second house on the mt) but my dad wants to go to more than just keystone, one day at keystone, and something else but i can't remember/wasn't listening
  20. make sure you were sun screen, and drink LOTS of water!
  21. skigurl

    3rd times a charm?

    i'll be there all day too
  22. skigurl


    we have soft ones, and we just put them on the plane, never had a problem.
  23. i just got 2 educatiol trip forms signed, teachers, and everyone else know u are just going on vacation, i got one signed for states on friday and going out west the 15th, 16th and 17th, all excused, i have to get them done so i can graduate this yr and not next b.c i'm missing so much school
  24. we were going but i havn't been able to get onto nastar so instead we are going to key stone the week before anyway, steamboat is alot of fun and you guys will all have so much fun.
  25. nah i learned my lesson about relationships on the board, they doesn't work....
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