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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. skigurl

    Spyder Jacket

    if your tiny enough try going with a kids size, the stuff is cheaper, i have a spyder jacket that only cost like half the adult price
  2. skigurl

    new skis

  3. skigurl

    new skis

    i'm going to Plymouth State University in NH, but they have a division one team i think so i prolly won't race
  4. skigurl

    new skis

    Ok this will prolly be the last yr i do major racing, i hope to keep doing nastar and maybe some asra when i'm home from college next year, but i'm looking to get a new pair of all mountain east coast skis, i think i'm ganna have to part with the p60's, any ideas on a good ski?
  5. as kids we never liked going to see the ice rink, there is a bunch of history stuff there but it's not fun unless u can ice skate(which if you time right is doable) try to go to olympic park(something like that) and if you are lucky there is ski jumping and other cool stuff. if you've got some stuff in mind let me know and i'll let you know what ages liked it and what ages didn't
  6. it all depends on who's going and what everyone likes but there is a ton to do and i don't think we've done anything that wasn't fun, some stuff is kinda boring but it's all fun, if you can see ski jumping it's REALLY cool we have a house up there so if you want to PM me i'll give you some more specific info
  7. i wanna take bets on u getting ur ass up early enough to be up to CB in time for masters......
  8. they are bigger than i am.......
  9. i didn't hook a tip b.c i was to close, it was more of hitting powder and screwing up my line that forced one ski to go on one side of the gate and the other to go the other way, i was prolly like a foot from the gate
  10. they trained SL b.c the J1/2s have a SL next weekend that is a PA cup race. they didn't have enough coaches to run two sets of gates and he could have trained GS on Nastar most likely
  11. cliffy!!!
  12. same kind of day as yesterday felt awesome times sucked, but i'm happy sooo
  13. the times arn't posted yet, tomorrow or monday hopefully
  14. mine were really slow 1.09 and 1.06 i think, it was a long course
  15. i felt i skied really really really well, but my times wern't so great but i was really happy with how i skied. they held the course together soooo well considering it was almost 60 degrees.it was fun and the flow was amazing. such a great day
  16. got back into the start house.......
  17. i'm 4'10" 150lb and race and i'm set between 5 and 6 by shop guys, i also have Tyrolia Jr bindings on a pair of skis and they are set at 5, and i have never had any problem pre-releasing.
  18. i took part one of my math final today, 2nd half tomorrow and thats the only class i have with a final, then i just have to put together my portfolio for Child Growth and Development and i'm done with this semester.
  19. following in his brothers foot steps i would think. i hear girls in my school talking about Chances older brother and just laugh, then i tell them i see him every weekend and i'm surprised there arn't more girls on the team
  20. skigurl


    i don't need to do the whole membership thing right? i can just go one day to do GS? whats the cost? and times
  21. skigurl


    i'll be there for GS as a confidence booster
  22. skigurl


    Who's going to the ASRA at TWood the 6th and 7th?
  23. skigurl

    Alumni at MC?

    they did one GS race yesterday in the rain, horrible and i think i pulled a DFL, idk how SL went today
  24. high school goes tuesday be up there at 3:45 to get ur ticket and you've got untill closing(no bus home)
  25. lots of people ALL day snow was nice till about 11 or 12ish
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