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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. skigurl

    head count?

    empty skied right onto the lower cuad around 3 pm today
  2. well everyone should be happy to hear we put brushes in. we drilled the AM and ran brushes in the PM. In the morning once again most kids were working on position, we did drills and drills of this, and by lunch some had made an improvment. now in the PM we did the brushes but a lot of kids were still being told to get forward. you have to build the muscle memory out side of a course and then take it to the course and then you will really see improvments
  3. so what are you going to say when i coach says that it's your son who is still the one in the back seat? if you can't listen to a coach now when you are just doing drills then what is going to change when a coach is telling him something about how he runs gates, some how i don't think a whole lot. Rob this isn't about you, this is about Ridge, if he wants to be the best he is going to have to listen to the coaches, bring a positive attitude to the team, and give it all he has, if and when he does that and he still isn't having fun then you can rant about how you don't like what is being done, or how things are run, but until then, you might want to change your attitude because the coaches will tell you to take your kids and leave.
  4. i hope he knows as a J4 that they don't have a race very weekend, honestly i don't think they have a whole lot of races at all, Nastar is also compleatly different then USSA, if he is board did you ever think he's not putting into it what he should. if he is as dedicated as everyone says he is then he shouldn't be board, he should be out there taking in what ever a coach is giving him and using it to help him improve
  5. i am on the same team, and was put in the same position last yr, i had never done gates with the team and over x-mas break did a race at Mt. Creek, i was fine. i understand that yes running gates it one of the best ways to improve buit it's NOT the only way to improve. If you really don't like how our team is run then maybe you should switch teams. As a J1 we have yet to get into gates this season, but our coaches have us working on other parts of our skiing, such as balance and position. i personaly think in just 3 days of practice with coaches i've seen a difference in my skiing. i'll admit i want to get into gates just as much as the next kid but looking at the background on the coaches i think they know what is best, and if they don't think training gates is whats best then i'm ganna have to agree with them. They know when we have races, what days we have to train and THEY KNOW HOW TO RUN A RACE TEAM so i think we should leave it up to them. i know from a coaches prespective(i coach swimming over the summer) you can deal with annoying kids, braty kids and mean kids but the worst to have to deal with is the parents who have never coached or never participated in the sport telling you how they think it should be done. in a time like this as hard as it may be, it might be best to hold your tounge and let the pros(in this case the coaches) do their jobs
  6. yeah, omg those skis are amazing, they make is sooo easy, they like turn for you(which makes practicing GS turns hard) and cut through anything because they are heavy(which i was first scared about when i picked them up), I LOVE THEM!
  7. if you drink alot of water and are in good health you should be fine, i know i got it when we were out in CO a few yrs ago from lack of water and being in the sun tooo long.
  8. my grandma was talking about it, we were ganna head up there this weekend too, but didn't because my sister has a swim meet
  9. skigurl

    Race trail

    sig is fine on my computer
  10. snowing like a mofo here, and guess what Pocono Mountain School District is the only one who didn't let out early in the county, so i wouldn't be surprised if they have to hold the elementary runs late b.c of the roads which are pretty icy
  11. i'm 7 mins, all green lights from my house to CB parking lot early in the morning with good road conditions and no people on the road
  12. skigurl

    Race trail

    one trail dedicated to racing would be amazing, it would mean 20 seconds of pure fast skiing and not having to out ski a ranger
  13. NY for 2 days, no skiing unless i go back to the mountain i learned on..... then practice, with a race on the 29th
  14. skigurl

    Ski size?

    well, for starters, you race, soo....are you talking race skis or just a ski you would mess around with when not training? What type of racing do you do, USSA, Nastar, High School how old are you? if you are a USSA racer and over the age of 16(maybe 15) you don't have a to make a guess of what size ski because they give them to you. i'd say 155
  15. Adam told me yesterday, GET BETTER SKIMOM
  16. they better groom
  17. i hate powder, it makes you tear ACLs
  18. skigurl


    i'll be there either at 1 if we have school or at 8 if we are closed
  19. skigurl

    The loft

    the owner is really nice, i know when he's there and we walk in he makes sure to say hi and ask if we need help, i used to love a lot of the ppl there, now some of them arn't so nice but i don't have a big problem with any of them
  20. skigurl


    mark does amazing work, i've never really killed MY skis but others i know have and he really can get you back on them by the next day, if not the same day
  21. i'll ne up there at 12:30 on friday with a bunch of kids from school if anyone wants to meet up
  22. maybe, we can hope that they are, but i got that night skiing wouldn't start till the following week from someone in the rentals....who knows
  23. Opening Day is the 9th it will be 8 till 4 from the 9th till the 15th and then they will start night skiing
  24. i kinda understand where they come from when they yell at us for going fast on greens and some blues, but think about it this way, how many times do you get someone who has NO IDEA how to ski on the blacks but they don't get yelled at, we get yelled for going to fast. not to mention the time when people are skiing on raceway and they miss the orange rope going up and down blocking the gates and end up in the middle of the nastar course while some J1/2 is going 90 mph, if you are going to tell the cat's to slow down then tell the people who can't ski to stay off of areas that are to hard for them
  25. skigurl

    Snow at CB

    Schifdawg, did they have little neon color thingys on? they are amusing to watch from the lift
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