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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. i use mine all the time, if i don't take my boots off during lunch i put them on, or if i know i have to walk in the parking lot i put them on, if you leave them on for a while then they stretch out, it was hard for me to get them on my boot and thats only a size 4.5 i don't know how ppl with normal size feet do it
  2. skigurl

    Snow at CB

    if i did this right it should show an image of what they say they have blown snow on, yes it has it marked off as 10 trails, but there are only two options when you get to the top off the quad
  3. skigurl

    Snow at CB

    with that information i'm still saying december 9th, they will have time to rebuild what they lose when the temp goes up towards the middle of the week and get some new trials going so they have a few runs and not just 3
  4. skigurl

    Snow at CB

    i'm ganna say the 9th or 10th for opening day, they have been blowing like crazy when ever possible and even pushing it at times i believe, but like others have said it's supossed to warm up, now we can all hope it doesn't but if it does i'd say a good inch or two will melt if not more(it looks rather deep so i'm hoping that it holds alot) if they keep the guns on, turn them off when they absolutly need to and then get them back on as soon as the temps go below frezzing they should be okay but i think the 3rd is pushing it a little, but maybe not
  5. skigurl

    racing skis

    i would say yes but you'll have to check with your coach. make sure you find a boot that you like and is comfortable. like skimom said slalom carver or junior GS ski would work. i know for me i would have loved to be able to do gs and not so tight SL on my SL skis which were amazing. ebay is great after you have found the specs of what you need.
  6. skigurl

    racing skis

    well where do you race? who do you race for? race boots are optional, i know i race and i don't have race boots because none of them are comfortable(fat foot problem).
  7. skigurl

    Snow at CB

  8. skigurl

    Snow at CB

    haha, yeah i got that letter today , does it mean anyone with a season pass can get 15% off?
  9. skigurl

    Snow at CB

    haha, i was ganna go up today and do that and get my pass pic, but the couch was calling my name, maybe tomorrow, unless you are coming up to take your own pics
  10. skigurl

    Snow at CB

    the whole snow thing is AMAZING!
  11. i never watched just listened from the drive way
  12. i've heard from a few different sources that the guns will be turned on tomorrow night....not sure the reason but hey it's one step closer
  13. i took one look at it and love it....but i think i already maxed money and daddy's credit cards out
  14. i watched it alll the time last yr, i've always been able to sit there and just star at it and watch it hrs on end
  15. how much do you want for the blades?
  16. it's 27 here
  17. teachers in our district don't go but i know a private school who's teachers went. It snowed here this morning, nothing stuck but it was coming down nicely
  18. hated dynastars as a free ski, trying the race model out this year, but i have ALWAYS loved any K2 that i was on, a great ski, from begginer to expert
  19. ohh thanks, haha , only read part of the title
  20. where the hell is that from?
  21. skigurl

    Season Pass

    Anyone get their season pass pic done yet, what colors are the bands this year?
  22. we had about 2 on top of the mountain
  23. we have had snow, but nothing sticking
  24. no snow, cloudly skis, and the temp is 40 degrees thats not a station thats from my back deck
  25. skigurl


    i love oakleys but they don't make small enough ones, at least i can't find any small enough. i just got Smith youth ones though mainly b.c i had them before and loved them so i got another pair of them
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