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Everything posted by skigurl

  1. we've got a nice collection of "fall" pictures over on the team site.
  2. CB has 33 trails with full coverage, just not enough ticket buyers...it's depressing and i'm not even able to ski
  3. skigurl

    Race Skis

  4. skigurl


    they closed....yesterday you could hike, as long as you don't get caught
  5. congrats to all who races, awesome job guys
  6. yeah, it's habbit, if i were allowed to i'd go play in it but i'm not so i'll just check to see how much we have all the time
  7. 9 1/4 at 8:05
  8. 2 miles from CB 7:03 9 inches exactaly
  9. 8.5 at 6:43 pm 2 miles from CB
  10. might get 8 inches???, well here's the update i've got 7 1/4 inches on my back deck, it's coming down like no tomorrow, almost 2 inches an hr
  11. most are prolly done, they don't do to much after nationals i don't think, at least around here
  12. recovery is going great, it feels sooo much better then before and i saw picturs of the tear, i did a pretty good job on it, if i can get the pics and a scaner i'll post them.
  13. skigurl

    Race Skis

    I've got a pair of 160 Salomon Equipe 10 3V 160 w/Salomon S900 Bindings, i'm willing to trade (for race skis size 155) or for money, they are 2 yrs old, and have been used maybe 50 times. great condition with awesome bases and edges, just to long of a ski. they have demo bindings on them as well. Email- skigirl408@yahoo.com AIM- shortykicksbutts or PM me on here
  14. dude you did a number on those gates, awesome fall, is it up on the team site?!?!
  15. i'm on there but sadly was out before i got to race Nastar this yr, sry guys, but i'll be up there next year!
  16. skigurl

    Broken ??

    it was up by 1:30ish
  17. skigurl


    J1-J5(J6, 7....depending on where you are) is age. J1 is the oldest, and the higher the number the younger the racer. SL is a single gate, the set up is a little different, and it's a "tighter" course, with more turning. GS is two gates with flags conecting them. they are more spaced out and have you making larger turns. Yes anyone can join USSA, it's not free. but you don't have to quilify to join it, but you might have to be on a registered team but i'm not sure
  18. skigurl


    i race and i don't understqand the points. all i know is you wanna see "how low you can go"
  19. yeah i started pt yesterday and he had it moving right away. i can't wait. with is just two days i can already do most things on my own. i can get myself in and out of bed get in and out of the car, and do the steps..with someone in front and behind me. but the pain killers do magical things...... Thanks for all the support guys
  20. Surgery went very well, no problems or "extras" once they got in there. If anyone ever has to have it done do it, it's sooo easy, and as long as you keep up with the pain killers it doesn't hurt at all. my PT guy said he's ganna teach me to walk tomorrow. the worst part is the extremly large leg brace that goes from your waste to your ancle.
  21. Awesome job jamie, good luck with college next yr, you will be missed
  22. i've worn both under my goggles, and i've got kid, not youth, kid goggles, and it's fine, but glasses under goggles with helmet was kinda uncomfortable
  23. yeah, it's weird, but it seem like it will never end, maybe it'll snow in August(in pa) and we can ski in August
  24. Good luck, and wish everyone else good luck Kill Kill Kill
  25. there are a few on ebay for all different types and most are under 20$
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