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Everything posted by Granola

  1. i will be there sunday morning bright and early possibly saturday morning as well
  2. i may be there but will definetly be there wednesday, i will be in a red coat and black pants skiing on K2 fujatives 05s or i will trying to figure out how to tele ski on k2 piste pipes and will more then likely be the only tele skiier there names Jim
  3. on the front page of the website it says you can pick them up at big boulder
  4. im hoping to get there on tuesday but wed for sure
  5. haha too slow
  6. Tuesday december 5th at 3pm according to there website!! holla
  7. if we get some snow this winter i have a few places to put a gap around here, and i have a snowmobile to get whiped into them which means i dont need a hill to get a run into it
  8. why cant it be like mount baker so we can get 12 feet of snow in 10 days
  9. please tell me that this gives a shred of hope to see some DH and FR mountain biking at jfbb
  10. looks like a blast cant wait for cold! and what a song...now can i have my dynamite?
  11. if i was you i would get 189 K2 Pontoons
  12. that actually has them closing early then last year
  13. who all is gonna be there? i will be there for sure
  14. well lookin at the weather it looks as though they could start makin snow around this saturday
  15. looks like fun
  16. why not just ski when your there, do a hike and ski on mount monroe or something near mount washington or hit wild cat they will be open or loon lets be serious NH rocks peoples socks off
  17. i doubt it too but it would sweet if they did
  18. Granola

    New Tele skis

    a lot of them they just have smaller sections
  19. Granola

    New Tele skis

    they are 179 legnth with 112/80/109, there pretty much the same as last years public enemys
  20. Granola

    New Tele skis

    there 04-05 K2 Piste Pipes with Black Diamond 03 Bindings now i just need snow
  21. i should be gettin up there in february hopefully
  22. shit man who pissed in your cheerios this morning?
  23. im usually not the one to post a link to a different forum but this one is sick 8 pages of stoke and building..... http://telemarktalk.com/phpBB/viewtopic.ph...177eb8091b96f91
  24. drop gloves suck bro, ive had 2 pair and both would have my hands freezing on a cold day within an hour! thats why im getting me some Black Diamond gloves
  25. yo phil is your avatar the road to nowhere drop at mountain creek?
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