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Everything posted by Granola

  1. im gonna say okemo its always been in great shape everytime i was up there, i remeber seeing them recute the pipe everynight from the house we rented. the kickers are always really nice and big, its great park and a nice resort to go to.
  2. how about a giant loop-de-loop rail that at the end launches you through a flamming ring thats flames are basically that of a heavy duty torch. and you can make the ring outta that stuff they put on the outside of space ships for when they re-enter our atmosphere so its very heat resistant. thats not too circus raily is it??
  3. http://www.break.com/index/snowboardhead19.html always wear your helmet
  4. my biggest was a 720
  5. are we talkin this coming weekend or like the one after it
  6. yea but that one on the weekends doesnt have day skiing.
  7. nah for college students its 299 before october 31st...i heart college and college activities
  8. dude let it go boo hoo you cant go and snowboard one place on the entire east coast what a tragedy, i dont know how you get by day to day with that burden on your shoulders you keep dumpin on MRG for its tradition and its really starting to get to me so i guess if it really makes you feel better you can go sit in the MRG parking lot and throw a hissy fit and maybe they will let you hike up the beginner hill, hell i will even drive you up there it says your out in wilkes barre im right here at misiercordia in dallas i will swing by later just give me a shout.
  9. queens of the stone age- A song for the Dead
  10. Mike Ness or Social Distortion
  11. James Brown - the big payback.....nuff said
  12. what about mullets and trans ams(the ones from the 80s)? cause if you see them im going there tommarow.
  13. yea i made a mistake there doug but i edited it up top there
  14. the reason they dont let snowboarders at MRG is cause of the single chair lifts the state of vermont has some law that says that snowboarders cant use them for some saftey reason. that is from another forum about MRG
  15. i would really recommend going to a place like Okemo or Killington or stowe they have really nice snow up there. and also you have to understand that this winter was bad for everyone so give it a shot next season if we actually get to see winter.
  16. oo if you kids were smart you would cut school if you mountain got enough snow, i personally will be going to all my classes tommarow cause frost and boulder got the shaft in this storm.
  17. who all is gonna be up at boulder and frost this weekend, i will be staying at my friends place across the street from big boulder just wanted to see who all will be there.
  18. is it too much to ask for like 6 or so feet of snow in like 3 days i mean honestly the lack of snow sucks!
  19. sadly if you would of accidently cracked one of those kids sitting in the trail you would be the one in the big sh*t storm not the parents for leaving them alone when they obviously don't know the rules of the mountain. they really need to set up rules like kids under a certain age cannot ski alone especailly if there with friends because then the trouble just amplifies(and really enforce them). i hate the fact that i have to dodge kids every time i ski but mommy and daddy paid the lot for them to ski, they should just be forced to ski with the little punks.
  20. big boulder or frost should really put a big quater pipe an the bottom of one of the terrain parks.
  21. does this mean i should go to jack frost saturday when im hung over or to big boulder? any help is appreciated
  22. oohhhhhh boy im all happy in my pants this can be sweeeeeettttttt!!!!!!!!
  23. today was my first day back after being out with a sprained ankle 2 weeks ago today and big boulder was dope as hell today. they rebuilt there big terrain park and there were 3 good sized booters. landed my first 720 today but washed out in the landing. all in all it was a "mad steezy" day.... i wanted to stay longer but my shin was givin me s**t and my friends knee was hurtin so i bailed at around 5.
  24. they should rock out some MAIDEN that would be bitchin'
  25. i see that everyweekend at boulder in the big park i love it hahaha sickkkkkkkkk
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