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Everything posted by emtp563

  1. North Whitehall (Egypt actually). I took it from the Egypt VFW Post. I was there tonight taking some night shots of that F-14 they have on display.
  2. Here are two of Blue from tonight: Here is Bear Creek tonight as well. I was pretty far away in Whitehall when I took this. Some trees were in the way as well:
  3. Yeah, the EOS 350D is the Digital Rebel XT. It wasn't my intention to get everything in the foreground (ie, the people on the school hill/in the base area) in focus. I was concentrating on the mountain itself. It was pure luck the people on the school hill were in focus, LOL. This was one of the first pics I've shot that I shot in RAW. My Canon 28-135 USM IS is the best lens I own- and unfortunately I don't like it. Pics come out really soft. I sharpened this one, adjusted the WB, in a RAW editor. When I get some more money this Spring/Summer I'm going to invest in an "L" lense. "L" are Canon's professional series of glass.
  4. If you save the pic, right click on it, choose properties/summary/advanced you'll see all the exif information for the picture. But it is a Canon EOS 350D. Thanks for the link. Cool pics.
  5. Which one are you? In the blue coat?
  6. Here is a pic I snapped at Blue today. I want you to experience the 8 mega pixel hi-res goodness of this one. Save it for wallpaper or something for the Summer. (dial-up users beware- the pic is 7.5mb, turn image resizing off in your browser/image viewer as well) If anyone wants to see some more from today, let me know and I'll post a couple more. http://www.oc-athlonxp.com/web_images/blue_2.jpg Here's another one (100% crop):
  7. Amist all this confusion, this is turned out to be an interesting thread. Does any one here actually ski at Shawnee?
  8. Wow, I can't believe you were the first one to notice. I checked out Shawnee's trail map and Alpine's trail map. It looks like that is Alpine Mountain, not Shawnee. Plus, looking in that direction from Camelback is looking due East. Alpine is in Analomink, PA, which is due Eastr from Tannersville. I always thought Alpine was NE of Tannersville, guess I was wrong. Here is a map cut and paste:
  9. Yeah, I know- very far, very dim. It's seldom clear enough, though. You can actually see three states from the top. From the other side of Big Pocono, you can see Blue Mt. Ski area. If the Blue wasn't in the way, you would be able to see Bear Creek.
  10. 1.) That's not Hunter. 2.) It's totally fake. 3.) You Photoshopped that fake piece of crap on to my image. Nice try. Here are a couple more:
  11. I have off tomorrow. Oh wait, I'm not in school anymore
  12. Hey Shadows, I have a buddy who is a Junior at Easton. His name is Mike Kelow. You know him?
  13. What "the daves used to do" is the reason why most of us are here. Are you friggin' nuts?
  14. Kinda like the Ranger cutting in the lift line. Pisses you off, doesn't it?
  15. It's not a wedding ring: It's on her right hand, and on her middle finger ;-)
  16. Who is the chick on the left in this photo from Camelback today? She's smokin' **EDIT** pic is gone
  17. Saw this on WFMZ 69 News: Ski resort closing: Berks County will be left with only one ski area (Bear Creek, which plans to open this weekend). The owner of Blue Marsh Ski Area tells 69 News today that his mountain won't open this year and he's in talks to sell the land to developers.
  18. Me too dude, the cheese isn't even that great ;-)
  19. I doubt it. They are there to make money, just like any other business. Picture in your mind 30 "dead beat losers" eating all the free samples every day, seven days a week for the length of the entire ski season. That's a lot of product that the store does not get for free, they have to pay for that only to have these people waltzing in, eating the samples, then leaving. When I go there, at least I buy some of the cheese I taste- that's the purpose for the samples being there in the first place. When I say "eating the samples" I mean not just eating a few pieces of cheese and crackers, I'm talking about a pack of vultures eating EVERYTHING not nailed down. I was offended when I was there when I saw this. The place was indeed PACKED with these deadbeat losers- YES- DEADBEAT LOSERS not letting the paying customers who are with their families and children taste the samples and even move about the store freely. They are indeed quite rude and do act like ranenous ANIMALS who have not eaten in a week. I don't know how old you are, but think of this from an "adult" perspective.
  20. You know what- the Cabot Cheese employees were actually bitchcing about that. We were there one Winter and there were a bunch of deatbeat losers there pillaging the free samples then leaving without buying anything. The employees were not happy at all. They definitely didn't have any kind words to say.
  21. My wife and kid did- I took the pictures:
  22. Whenever I need somewhere to stay cheap up there, I've always stayed at the Econo Lodge in Mendon. It's across the street from Pico about 15min. from K. Their phone number is 1-800-992-9067 Las5t time I was there it was fifrty some-odd bucks/night off-season. The "season" rates for K don't kick in until Thanksgiving.
  23. Trails Open: 12 Lifts Open: 2 Base Depth: 10-20" Killington will be open for top-to-bottom skiing and riding this Saturday at 8 a.m. Don't wait, make it out for the first ski day of the season in all of Vermont. Early season lift ticket rates will be $39 for 1-day adult passes and $72 for 2-day passes. Young adult(13-18) passes will be $31 for 1-day passes and $57 for 2-day passes. Junior(6-12) and senior(65+) passes will be $25 for 1-day and $47 for two day passes While portions of the mountain have been blessed with fantastic early-season snow conditions, the lower third of the mountain required man-made snow to complement the natural snowfall received this week to ensure a quality surface. However, with the current weather forecast calling for a warming trend early next week, Killington will cease operations after 4 p.m. Sunday. CHECK OUR WEBSITE OFTEN FOR UPDATES! http://www.killington.com
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