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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. I was scrolling through Bethlehem EMS Facebook photos from yesterday and found this of me in line for my second vaccine dose at the casino. The first few hours were fine yesterday evening, and then my arm got sore again like my first dose right before I went to bed. Today I woke up and felt like a bus hit me. Achy all over, bad headache, and a fever. Could barely move. I ended up sleeping most of the day other than meetings. After 24 hours I’m starting to feel better, but whew, it was rough most of today. Hopefully I’ll be good to go tomorrow. Definitely was a rough patch with that immune response, but beats an ET tube stuffed down my throat. For those getting the vaccine soon, try and take a day off after round two if you can.
  2. Trout at the hungry trout. Nice.
  3. Sunday morning should be nice. Seriously @saltyant check out those skis.
  4. strongly support this.
  5. Oh Lordy I think this is a penis penetration joke. This is a family site, Kyle.
  6. Just messing with ya. Enjoy your last day 👍
  7. Glad this thread which recently promised “free refills” is back to trash. Must have meant soda. Well done. 👏
  8. I think he should at least try them.
  9. Oh I like that. You will look so pret-ty 😍
  10. Wow.
  11. Whew. Been waiting for this all day. I should be there both days. Depends on how I'm feeling after dose #2 tonight.
  12. Give them to Salty. He could use an addition to his quiver.
  13. Looking good Saltface. Enjoying these pics on a bluebird day!
  14. “WhY dOnT yOu LoOk In ThE mIrRoR aNd PaT yOuRsElF oN tHe BaCk”
  15. That explains those old Lines you had 😂
  16. This weekend will be mobbed. Still has that backyard snow factor.
  17. Still good for me.
  18. Yeah! I’m getting my second today. Pumped.
  19. Good day to stick people.
  20. Split boarding terrain 👌
  21. Yeah, shouldn’t have posted it. I trust the people here but ya never know who lurks.
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