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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. I think @saltyant’s car would be big enough for us all to comfortably fit.
  2. No you aren’t.
  3. Nice sunset tonight.
  4. Really enjoyable morning. Icy trees melted quickly.
  5. It’s all about that #FunicularLife
  6. ❤️ Brighton
  7. All of this is true. PowMow for no frills great skiing, DV to get a taste of living life as @AtomicSkier
  8. I’ve been to them all and they all are worthy of a visit for different reasons. Let’s chat this weekend.
  9. Do you know where you are skiing yet?
  10. https://discountworkgear.com/products/kinco-901t-premium-top-grain-leather-pigskin-ski-mitten-2?variant=34633833939101&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAiArbv_BRA8EiwAYGs23I2uR1Uw3LGMAYAzYx063_k6VYT3cTf4J6grsLHyXvHYwAbcXppOhhoCaeMQAvD_BwE
  11. Sounds good. Ski you all tomorrow! Looking forward to a beer in the lot with you all for the first time this year! 🍻
  12. TFTI
  13. Does this surprise you at all?
  14. If you are going beyond blue I’d just go home to Montage
  15. Who? I don’t remember early PASR beef.
  16. I need to remember your beer that you are owed.
  17. Oh hello everybody. Who will be in the house to ring in 2021?!? I should be there Saturday and Sunday. Hope to ski a bunch of PASRs there!
  18. I’m not busy. I haven’t been doing shit. It’s wonderful. Enjoy your hotelhouse.
  19. Please do
  20. Sounds like a complaint. I’m just trying to keep my favorite message board positive and upbeat. Filled with kindness. I hope you would want to be a part of that.
  21. That’s not the point. You lied when you said you were done complaining here. How can we trust you now?
  22. Just call that open and say you’re a 100% first in PA.
  23. I thought you were don’t complaining here? Seems like it might just be who you are.
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