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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. Checking out the Beltzville Lake cam... It looks like there is a buoy pop which could indicate a potential storm around New Years Day +/- a day or two. Keep your eyes on it.
  2. It is basically the new 4loko
  3. Should be triple black with this fog
  4. It is worse than Blue's. It looks like a 15yo made it for a middle school project.
  5. When are you all heading up? I didn't see anything on their site from 1996, but I would call before heading up just to make sure.
  6. They wear masks there. You don't in a restaurant. That is the difference. I'm not sure why people struggle to make that connection.
  7. You guys would love it. She’d have fun.
  8. Looking forward to getting some of that Enjo meat in my mouth sooner than later. Had to dip out early to get some schoolwork done, but Lazy and Main Street first thing this morning was great. Loving these full length runs only a week into the skison
  9. PASR group XC at Jacobsburg State Park this afternoon was a ton of fun. Shout out to @mbike-ski for the elite loaner gear and for @Mixilplix for picking up my pieces every time I fell. @AtomicSkier joined in as well to test out his new skinz. We ended up doing about 3 miles from the environmental center up the ridge to the meadows and then back down through Henry's Woods. I was surprised at the amount of xc track that was already laid. Saw a few other people out there as well. Good shit. Looking forward to doing it again. I'm currently browsing gear online because this was an absolute blast.
  10. Could be right.. I haven't been following but know he talks about stitching to real mountains once the kids get older.
  11. Complaining again?
  12. Why were the PASRs mad?
  13. Waiting to hear from mike but I’m planning on the environmental center right now
  14. Jacobsburg at 2:30?
  15. I’m in.
  16. I'm good for the afternoon. Hopefully that works for @Mixilplix? I'm good for anywhere. Golf course, park, etc.
  17. @Benm this is what we were talking about on the lift today:
  18. Thoughts on tomorrow afternoon?
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