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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. The first flakes have fallen, it is picking up rapidly, and the final accumulation guesses are in for storm totals for my backyard snowfall. Winner gets two (!!) 16oz beers from my fridge and courtesy of @Mixilplix, it appears he will also contribute some beers as well. In between bread baking, diner making, shoveling, and some occasional work, I'll be checking in on storm totals. Winner will be determined at the first post-storm measurement. Entries: @toast21602 - 13.50" @tarponhead - 14.40" @GrilledSteezeSandwich - 20.00" @JFskiDan - 16.00" @Benm - 21.00" @PSUFly - 11.00" @tnt - 17.50" @AtomicSkier - 16.10" @RootDKJ - 16.50" @trackbiker - 12.50" @Schif - 11.63" @Mixilplix - 13.00" @Johnny Law - 19.25" @RidgeRacer - 27.60" @theprogram4 - 16.50" @enjoralas - 19.00"
  2. Snowing good here right now. Final guesses are being tabulated.
  3. Yeah they spelled it wrong. Should be Bethlum. Bethle-ham does make me hungry, though.
  4. This is the best confirmation that there will be a big snow event. Thanks!
  5. Take it to the car thread.
  6. Definitely does not smell like that in the air surrounding me and my couch right now...
  7. I have three identified: Deck, basement door pad, and grass my driveway drain.
  8. There is a lot of wind up here, but there are some surprisingly sheltered areas around the house. I usually clear those spots for the dog to shit, but in the interest of this high stakes competition, I plan on utilizing them for measurements as accurate as possible.
  9. Yes. Prediction guesses will be finalized at the sight of the first flake. Snowflake... not @saltyant
  10. Closest. Price Is Right rules are not applicable to this contest.
  11. Guns on for Falls, Homestretch, Tuts, looks like Lazy as well, and they've turned around the guns from one tubing slope to face the other. Really trying to get tubing open. Smart move. Looking forward to more terrain in the next few days!
  12. Near Danielsville. Elevation ~860’
  13. Immediately after the storm. Likely early Thursday morning. Measurements will be taken and documented throughout the day. Once guesses are in, no modifications will occur.
  14. Great question. My backyard.
  15. ~14.5" for those playing at home.
  16. 13.5” is my prediction for this storm. 16oz beer from my fridge goes to the closest.
  17. Beautiful morning. Empty here. Cookies up. Guns are on in some spots. Lazy was hit with snow and still blowing. The place looks great with snow on the ground. JADIP.
  18. They always seem to make it. I just know that my road, and the road that leads to mine never get plowed early and are far from a priority for the township. Regardless, I'll be on skis somewhere! I'm excited to follow this storm now that it is more likely to be a ba-dinger-oo. Looking forward to snow total reports!
  19. They usually do over-predict snow totals. A lot of it depends how how cold the air gets. If we get 20-24" I won't be making it to the mountain on Thursday. At least I have my back yard.
  20. Guns are back on.
  21. I'll take an early season storm. Its nice riding the lift and not seeing dirt below. It's all about that base.
  22. Sweet spot. If cold air sits in place tomorrow we should be set for an event.
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