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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. I love the "are they making snow?" question. No, Karen, just because you are cold doesn't mean its cold enough to make snow.
  2. Not as deep here, but it goes.
  3. Nothing will be open here for a while.
  4. No worries, its still good for stoke. Post it over there for extra likes!
  5. I don't see any trains. Strike 2.
  6. Pictures from there: https://lloydlutzphotography.zenfolio.com/p407261504#h23b69a36
  7. PA is a wild place. Who would have thought that you would be driving through Egypt to get to Blue Mountain on your way from Philly...
  8. To start, a tree.
  9. You can take your brother @saltyant
  10. 100% yes I think we are in a better place to treat the virus, but seeing a rise in hospitalizations is going to continue to put an unnecessary strain on health systems.
  11. Realistically there is one very marginal window for snow making. 27 degrees and 28 degrees isn't very promising... I might have to take the road bike off of the trainer...
  12. Getting close. The US has the highest number of COVID hospitalizations since the start, and it is likely going to keep increasing over the next few weeks.
  13. I've heard that anything before then is a bonus.
  14. Iโ€™ll be happy if weโ€™re on the snow at Blue by 12/19.
  15. Let's make this a day of happiness. You need to embrace the love at Christmas time.
  16. If Barb didn't open for Lawrence, NJ rock icon Ski2livzzz I can't imagine she would open for you. (no offense)
  17. Looks decent for the Poconos, too.
  18. 1-2" of rain today should fill up the ponds nicely!
  19. East coast skiing is off to a start that is 100% expected for 2020. Hope it changes for the better sooner than later.
  20. Solid upgrade! ๐Ÿ‘Œ
  21. That's a ding dong.
  22. Sounds like the solution to me.
  23. Ding ding ding ๐Ÿ›Ž that is illegal.
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