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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. There are two. We have a nice mix of mobs and militias.
  2. Have you even left your house?
  3. Liberal mobs!!!!
  4. The LV coming through Glen Onoko. Wish this was in color.
  5. People make fun of me for wearing my favorite cap. I call it my Traveling Cap because it has been everywhere I've traveled. Been to more countries than most people (13). It is 18 years old, almost to the day. It pretty much never left my head from age 17-25. Fuck. I just went through some pictures and found some gems of this cap. Thanks for that @Benm
  6. It’s a joke, dude.
  7. You sound like you popped a boner over that.
  8. @saltyant your favorite place besides McDoodle.
  9. Grate time too be selling.
  10. Brighton seeing some white stuff. I haven't been following the stoke markets, but it appears that they should be rising.
  11. I hope all of your illness have improved! But not improved too much so you can continue to use 😂
  12. How does the cost compare to your previous source? And will this have an impact on that previous source now that you have this avenue to access?
  13. So does that make you one of the people who will come in and destroy the suburbs and the American dream or just fleeing the violence? It is so hard to keep track of.
  14. Where are you moving to?
  15. At Blue, was it ever fair game? That parking lot is basically a urinal.
  16. I believe 300k linked to Sturgis... meaning people came back and spread it to others. At least that is how I interpreted the one article I read yesterday.
  17. This is correct. We have family friends that went out there because they are stupid. The got COVID.
  18. Sounds like winter in PA
  19. Hopefully we only have to deal with it this season. At least we will be able to ski. It might not be as easy as every other year, but we'll still get out.
  20. get over it or don't go.
  21. Pictures for stoke, if you can!
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