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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. Definitely following this for ideas. My wife and I had this conversation last night. We selfishly want to support the establishments that we utilize during this, but I know there are still more people out there who need support. Thanks for starting this thread. Great idea.
  2. Of course I wish we were in a position where we didn't get it but luckily we definitely don't need it. Both of us could definitely harder and put in more hours and make more money but we value time off/away from work and not busting our asses than earning more money.
  3. Never been to Back Home bagels. I do enjoy a Johnny's Bagel but I haven't had one in a very long time.
  4. Nice I guess I'm a poor since I should be getting some stimulus money!
  5. https://m.startribune.com/minnesota-man-is-an-ironman-covid-19-nearly-killed-him/569761222/
  6. That seems like overkill, but hopefully people listen to the rules...
  7. Don't get in, hopefully
  8. Would be nice to see that trend continue for a bit. I saw this chart of the impact of lifting restrictions during the 1918 flu. Definitely one of my fears if that happens too quickly. Luckily now there are steps and phases to ease restrictions over longer periods of time.
  9. And all the time we have bought the government still can’t get their shit together with testing
  10. That’s called gaslighting. I do respect you, fyi.
  11. Seems like a waste of time to me and will probably just result in things being shut down longer. But these people are lacking some brains cells if they are congregating during a pandemic 🤷‍♂️
  12. Are these idiots protesting in state’s that Republican governors run and are shut down or are the just putting on a show for the 90% of people who know that shut downs are working?
  13. Yeah and all the other MAGA idiot protests in cities.
  14. That’s awesome. How are you feeling from concussion issues?
  15. I think it has snowed more days in April than all season.
  16. and still snowing. Looks like Vermont but without the drive.
  17. One of my students is an EMT in Bergen county (maybe?). He has been somewhat forced into working extra shifts even while going to school full time because of how many calls they have been getting and many colleague have gotten sick and cannot work. He works overnight shifts, logs in to class for the day, and is helping his wife with teaching their kids who are home from school. The stories he shares are heartbreaking. It is enraging to see people acting like this while frontline healthcare providers are killing themselves to save lives.
  18. It is snowing at Mt. Mik. Check out this webcam of Blue Mountain!
  19. I guess there are stupid people everywhere.
  20. I'm not sure if he could handle the Bumble Bee Bowl.
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