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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. You can call people childish names and troll and do whatever it is that you do in your hotelhouse, but it should anger everyone the way this whole thing was handled. Regardless of politics. I'm viewing this from a healthcare provider perspective and I'd have the same reaction no matter who was leading our country through this. Its embarrassing. It is going to get healthcare professionals killed. it is going to kill thousands of Americans. It is a complete failure and they are scrambling to make it right. The problem with this is that you can't make up lost ground. It should also piss people off that there are still idiots endangering others by not taking this seriously.
  2. Crazy to see their pivot from "we'll be down to zero cases" to "100-240k deaths is a good outcome"
  3. It was posted on the social medias. I don't rely on it for entertainment and information.
  4. Test kits are provided by CDC or other government contracts.
  5. They have a country with leaders that believe in science and not TV ratings. They fucking prepared for it instead of calling it a hoax and saying "cases will go down to zero like a miracle".
  6. Always nice to hear good news and smile during our socially distant, quarantined life. Hopefully John Krasinski continues this!
  7. Yeah no shit I’ve been saying that for two weeks. The early testing fuck up is why this is growing exponentially. There still isn’t enough testing like we were told there would be.
  8. We'll be at 200k+ cases real soon. Things are about to get interesting. See you all in 2021.
  9. I’m thinking more along the lines of June 1st for slight regulation lifting. But who really knows since nobody listens anyway.
  10. The lack of early preparation and the lack of PPE is criminal.
  11. didn't that happen a few days ago?
  12. We've been behind since the start and we're in it for the long hall now. From what I've read, peaks are obviously going to be different in all areas. I can see PA being within the next few week which is concerning since there is already a strain on health systems right now. I worry more about other places. I read that Houston tested 250 people in the last 24 hours? 250?! Isn't that like a top 5 population city in the country? Basically a hotbed of COVID. If people think it isn't in these major cities they're crazy. Then there is loony evangelical wizardry creature Jerry Falwell who opens up his stupid college in the middle of all this. Some people are just dumb. Stay home.
  13. Thats awesome! #Greta
  14. Daaaaaaamn today will be good. Have fun!
  15. I've heard discussion from some of my colleagues at St. Luke's and LVH that the Army Corps is planning on constructing a temporary hospital ASAP in Monroe County because of all the cases that are being reported there and the lack of hospital beds to treat them.
  16. Stop posting stupid shit.
  17. You'd be surprised what actually happens in some healthcare settings... especially outside of a physicians outpatient office.
  18. Damn I thought I was the only one.
  19. It is infuriating that he is accusing healthcare providers of stealing supplies when they are forced to use the same mask for an entire shift or even longer. But enough bitching about him. Stay home and with as few people as possible.
  20. Who is that?
  21. Justin Bieber.
  22. I can't believe how many people are not taking it seriously. It really is sad.
  23. Probably not a financially viable solution to crowds. They have to the have the facilities and personnel to monitor and collect all those fees. Some state parks have so many access points that it would be almost impossible.
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