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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. 11+k cases now in the US. As testing (hopefully) increases it is going to expose all of the transmission that occurred when we were way behind. Hopefully we don't end up with critical hospital issues like Italy, but I have a feeling that is in our future.
  2. Please do it if it snows. We need some positive ++++VIBES++++ with all of this doom and gloom around us!
  3. incubation period can be anywhere from 2-14 days. Just an FYI.
  4. Yes, it can be spread via cash or really any surface to human contact.
  5. I think across the board people aren't taking it as seriously as they should, with older people who may not have the information and younger people who are selfish being the ones that aren't taking it seriously enough. I've definitely seen a change in that over the last few days because it is getting significantly more serious. It probably doesn't help to blame one group of people or an other. We just need to all work together to get through this as it continues to worsen.
  6. It’s definitely still the boomers too.
  7. Interesting to see how this thread has evolved.
  8. Doug's business has been dead.
  9. especially since this economic crash is going to slow things significantly.
  10. Testing this process out tomorrow.
  11. manufacturing is different than selling.
  12. First COVID-19 death in PA was here in Northampton County at St. Luke’s. Getting more serious.
  13. I heard the USNS Comfort was undergoing maintenance and had no staff called yet for its emergency readiness medical mission 🤷‍♂️
  14. Of course, and the growth curve will continue like this because of the lack of early testing/screening/restrictions/etc.
  15. Curious to see how many cases are diagnosed today.
  16. Maybe they can stay with Doug at the hotel house?
  17. Street name 😂
  18. Clean and disinfect your shit! Especially plastics! NEJM data:
  19. A former student of mine who lives in JH just posted this. What an awesome sunset view.
  20. That is correct. Two weeks ago there were no restrictions or guidance on travel from the government unless you were going to/from China.
  21. Please, please don't do that. Just drink more.
  22. I believe most are closed, which makes it incredibly difficult for some parents.
  23. I guess the CDC guidelines are for groups of 10 or less... hopefully they wash their balls appropriately!
  24. It doesn't stop until the curve recedes, eaf. Businesses are trying to be hopeful but I don't think it is going to be done in 2 weeks. Rescinding anything prematurely will make things worse.
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