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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. I don’t think it’s open yet but I imagine it would warm the grundle nicely.
  2. Welcome to PASR @skiincy! Its such a stupid site. Hope you love it and hate it as much as the rest of us.
  3. That’s a nice piece of stone! Probably gives Doug a chubby.
  4. Obviously the one next to the dumpy motel.
  5. Don’t oversleep.
  6. Hell yeah! WTGAI.
  7. Looking handsome
  8. Beau put a spell on it.
  9. You're 100% Correct. Reg Iguana is the one next to a dumpy motel. Blue Iguana is somewhere near the convention center and probably twice as expensive.
  10. Damn that place looks bigger than I expected. Nice report and pictures!
  11. Damn you're so elite!
  12. Happy Monday.
  13. I think that is their intention. They did that last year too. I enjoy it.
  14. Should we let you know when early bird Blue passes go on sale?
  15. Is that @mute1080?
  16. That is incredible.
  17. Good to hear. First thing this morning the sugar and marbles sucked. Completely expected after the rain.
  18. Shit conditions. Great parking lot. Lots of good folks out there today.
  19. Now you can ski your bumps.
  20. Friday morning should be fine.
  21. I hope you get shit on. I hope it snows too.
  22. Nobody rode that thing.
  23. Sun is shining at my house.
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