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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. It doesn't look empty, either.
  2. I should be up the next few mornings depending on weather and such. Looking forward to the regular Thursday morning crew again!
  3. Fa lalala let it go.
  4. About 2” at home this morning and snowing incredibly hard when I left for work. Sunny in Bethlum now.
  5. Unexpected Beltzville buoy pop!
  6. Nah I hate skiing at night. TFTI, though.
  7. Wow it’s going to be deep! Bring your snorkel!
  8. Whatever fits your face.
  9. How are the views of the Snow World shit-dome that you think is great, yet haven't been there?
  10. It's snowing here again. One last coating before July comes for the weekend.
  11. The whole situation down there is terrible.
  12. Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours shine brighter.
  13. Yes.
  14. I don’t need a lawn vac since all of my leaves blow into the neighbors and there are just fields behind my house. This does get me excited to cut grass again.
  15. This came up in my camera roll from 7 years ago today. One of my favorite photos I’ve taken of Blue’s unique guests 😂
  16. toast21602

    Elk Day 2020

    And stopping at Elk on the way?
  17. Time to unpack your tropical plants and put them outside!
  18. toast21602

    Elk Day 2020

    2/7 should work for me. @mute1080??
  19. Pretty nice to go from worst day of year to one of the best mornings. The first few runs were great but starting to get sugary now. X-ing was a gem, as always, when it snows.
  20. Will probably need to with the warmth this weekend
  21. 1.5" here. Definitely makes things look nice, temporarily.
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