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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. The year of Antman
  2. STFU toast this is the Malvern thread
  3. You’re welcome and anytime!
  4. @saltyant
  5. Take it to the shut the fuck up thread.
  6. 43° here. Definitely not getting as warm as predicted but the rain sucks. Seeing 2-4” as it winds down Tuesday night. Good thing Blue is closed Wednesday 🙄
  7. WTGAI!
  8. Nice! Looks good!
  9. Only appropriate on PASR gaper day. It should never be the norm.
  10. Take it to the shut the fuck up thread.
  11. I'd also like to just say that I can't stand when people blast their music in public spaces, especially in nature. Ruins my zen almost as much as Matthew Edgerton.
  12. Is it @Ski2Live Live2Ski?
  13. I love how you are getting after the park scene and crushing it! WTGAI!
  14. Actually looked and felt like winter today. What a great start to the season so far.
  15. Awesome thanks for taking those and sharing!
  16. Excited for a terrain expansion. Hopefully this weekend.
  17. Why is the inversion angry?
  18. Snow making assault in the valley right now.
  19. Got our tree today 🌲🐶
  20. I only listen to the best artists.
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