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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. That makes too much sense. He won't do it.
  2. MSY
  3. I thought you enjoyed a nice cookie?
  4. I think they will be there this weekend! Bring out your nice hat!
  5. My fault. Do we all have access to these webcams like we do at Blue?
  6. I did earlier. I thought I was viewing the ocean with all of the whales that I saw!
  7. Ok.
  8. @JFskiDan we all have access to these webcams.
  9. Awesome! How many years in a row is this now?
  11. Activity on Main.
  12. Those sparkles you see? They're titties.
  13. yes! and it appears that all of the fan guns on Vista are back in action.
  14. and its smooth as butter - Doug's favorite food and color.
  15. Some of the fan guns on Vista are down for some reason? The old crappy guns have also been turned on along with the working fan guns.
  16. 2-3" would have made me go straight to NOAA.
  17. I can hear the guns cranking when I walk outside early in the morning. It’s getting exciting!
  18. Circus tent in background.
  19. Camelback is a fucking circus. That alone is enough to be excluded from the list, but I'm a nice person so I kept them around.
  20. Not to get into the mountain vs. mountain debate, but I will. Blue Elk Montage Seven Springs Shawnee JF Camel
  21. Some of the guns on Main Street have been shut down for some reason.
  22. Definitely didn't blow on Challenge or Razors, but we did get a dusting of snow up here. We won't see those trails for a while.
  23. wtf ski bag lasts a decade of air travel?
  24. This is PASR, not google.
  25. This is great! The 7th best mountain in PA is getting started!
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