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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. Correct. But this heat and humidity is oppressive and will be worse over the weekend. The humidity is what makes it so bad. The heat is tolerable. Better to have people take precautions than not. I went for a run this morning at 7 and lost 7lbs and that was after I thought I rehydrated. I haven’t felt that I’ll during/after a run before. Had to listen to my body and cut it early
  2. Six bucks hanging in the field on my way to work this morning. Not sure I’ve ever seen bucks hanging out in a cluster like that before.
  3. Corbet's without snow. From https://unofficialnetworks.com/2019/07/15/corbets-jackson-summer/?fbclid=IwAR2P6AzIaQxMPclQ_bCFykYcE8TRubphYQom2FaG9eEawH9Zv-eKIcLR3GQ
  4. one of the cooler viaducts in the country - right here in PA. Neat video.
  5. No you won't.
  6. I don’t even know what that means.
  7. The grass wasn’t as high as expected when I got home. Cleaned up nicely. No worries @JFskiDan
  8. You’re hardcore. WTGAI!!!
  9. Edit- wrong thread and IDGAF @RidgeRacer 😂😂😂
  10. Use stone instead of mulch
  11. Yeah it is. I used to do it because I’m too OCD and doing a K turn for every directional cut sucked. At least it looked good.
  12. His wife must make a lot of money.
  13. Not sure what salary has to do with me cutting the grass, but if either of us made anything close to that I wouldn’t be pinching pennies and recycling my aluminum cans for extra cash 😂
  14. I’m off today, and most of the rest of summer. I manage my time well so I can do what I want when I want.
  15. Now it’s clover that are getting bad. Just gave it a fresh cut so you can’t really tell.
  16. Exactly.
  17. Sunset last night, rainbow today. 🌈
  18. Nice sunset from the deck tonight. It’s been a while.
  19. heavy rain last night filled it 90%. I'll probably get another one for the larger garden even though it won't be roof-fed.
  20. There are tablets you can put in to prevent mosquitoes.
  21. I guess it depends how often it is being used? I also have two mesh screen drain catches. One at the top of the downspout, and one directly in the top of the barrel to catch any debris. No issues so far for the first day 😃
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