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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. I thought Doug is too good to go anywhere with slow lifts?
  2. That would be cool. I've never been to Sugarbush. I'm sure the kids would love that. Amusement park and skiing sounds like the perfect kids trip. Post pics if you go!
  3. Awesome that you got out skiing on April 13th. Plans on going anywhere else this spring?
  4. Where did you ski today?
  5. No he didn’t.
  6. Haven’t been on a bike all spring, so 60 miles will hurt me, but enjoy! I’ll check it out on Strava. The following weekend I’d be good for Saturday if others are interested as well!
  7. No bike ride? Tomorrow should be nice. Let’s plan a ride sometime soon. I need some motivation to get out on the bike.
  8. Makes me want to go to Disney again. That place is so much fun as an adult.
  9. No need to. You just admitted you have the largest rack on the site. At least you can pretend they belong to a chick.
  10. Can wait to see you take that off Falls!
  11. Tuckerman's avalanche death: https://unofficialnetworks.com/2019/04/11/tuckerman-ravine-avalanche-skier-dead/?fbclid=IwAR3KLeomRGGTsWFnuR8PIcOpWp7fSLDOz8ow45EXjzwG7H-dWUZXwafErmw
  12. You should. That would be awesome. If I were to do it again, or when we do it again, we will do something similar. Either farm or forrest.
  13. $10?! Wow. That’ll save you some money so you won’t have to split a dollar menu burger with your new boo.
  14. No.
  15. If you don’t know, now you know.
  16. @saltyant I agree!
  18. @saltyant this is great!
  19. Is that where you and Salty visit together?
  20. Are you going to go? or are you going to hang up your skis for 7.5 months until the almighty Peak Pass resorts open up?
  21. If you weren't such a dick about it, maybe people will consider. Salty and Doug like dicks, so maybe they will join you.
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