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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. That's what they said this year...
  2. The season pass party looks good. I need to plan better for next year.
  3. But the more you do it the cheaper it gets!
  4. Great pictures ski2!
  5. The last 4 posts are yours. You know you can type them all out in one? This isn'y good for your post/like ratio. Get your shit together.
  6. Better than expected to start the morning for sure. Trying to get bronzed up tomorrow with some sun and warmth, I hope.
  7. yeah those beautiful bluebird days looked rough...
  8. Awesome 😎 WTGAI!!!
  9. No, you try too hard and are annoying. He is just the original annoying person so deserves some credit for that.
  10. No we like him more.
  11. Go to Elk. It will be better than Blue.
  12. Great day to be there!
  13. Should be some creamy goodness! enjoy!
  14. No you didn’t.
  15. His sadness has been removed, but we know his true feelings now.
  16. I guess he likes the thought of incest.
  17. I heard you play the skin flute.
  18. This is stupid.
  19. Impressive. I think I want to try to learn after I'm done with school and whatnot. I've always wanted to learn guitar or piano.
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