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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. Please don't post pics.
  2. I only ski for the likes.
  3. Sure. Its quiet without students around so I can get a lot of work done.
  4. yikes. Be careful out there.
  5. My dad sent me this picture of a train in Washington delivering an airplane fuselage. I’d assume most likely to/from Boeing.
  6. Screen grab from a video that @indiggio‘s buddy got of me dropping into Corbet’s. Not super impressive but definitely a bucket list run that I’ve been wanting to hit since I first went out to JH 10+ years ago.
  7. Not. Going. To. Happen.
  8. Should be a good day at JH! Enjoy fellas!
  9. Probably waiting for the EPIC pass to add them.
  10. Better chance of you being successful with a diet.
  11. No it isn't.
  12. This is great!
  13. Is that what you used to ask girls?
  14. It’s 10 days out? It’s the east coast - check back in 8.
  15. 3” overnight with more on the way! I see the Hobacks in your future!
  16. Ok. I’ll give him mine for free.
  17. Fuck you. Looks like a great time! PASRs have been getting some great trips in this year!
  18. Good decision. You should still try and get to Blue one day next year.
  19. This is great!
  20. Wow did you all thrissor?
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