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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. Maybe a bit less than center, but something more ‘freestyle’. Did you get skis yet?
  2. Sick.
  3. I don't need a rubbing demonstration, but I appreciate the offer. Just didn't know you were into rubbing out in the cemetery. I guess it is a low traffic environment, though.
  4. A rubbing in the cemetery? C'mon man.
  5. I enjoy cutting the grass. I wouldn’t enjoy cutting other people’s grass, though.
  6. As long as you enjoy what you do as a ‘job’ and it allows you have the life you like, you’re in a good spot.
  7. Find TTC6.
  8. I like this root.
  9. Could be interested in that as well.
  10. Could be interested.
  11. Forgot to post this last week. Long overdue purchase.
  12. Picked three more cantaloupe today and a bunch of butternut squash. Pumped for these.
  13. Really loving that round window in the back. Nice touch.
  14. I think you have. I'm opposite, but respect all train lovers.
  15. That looks pretty awesome. I’ve seen that before and videos from them. $650 is a bit much for cat skiing but it is an entire guided day with no more than 10 people.
  16. That blows. SLC direct was one of the reasons i switched to hoarding AA points. Yeah I use AA because of them flying out of ABE and they have had better prices that most other airlines out of that airport. Oh well. Direct flights are nice, but not a deal breaker for me.
  17. Estes Park is an awesome place and I loved it there too.. definitely one of my favorite towns out west. But when I went to Crested Butte I enjoyed it 10x more. Small mountain town filled with lots of active people doing everything with their dogs, good food and drinks, and so much to access from the end of every road in town.
  18. I'm about to book flights to Utah... so hopefully it doesn't change that decision. Some more in the northeast would be nice.
  19. Yeah that is true, but I usually fly out of ABE when I can because of convenience so a layover out of philly or a layover out of ABE doesn't make or break anything for me. We'll chat.
  20. ok.
  21. I see you attempt at another shitty joke. I'd love to go on a trip with some of my ski buddies who I haven't been out west with in a while.
  22. Solitude and Brighton added. Definitely going to Utah this year at some point.
  23. Snowed at Crested Butte last night.
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