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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. Search for my post about 7S. Top 3 days I've had in PA. Hit it during a year that they got 250" or some shit like that.
  2. The warmer weather makes it easier for me to keep running, at least.
  3. its always goggle weather except for gaper day.
  4. keep it that way.
  5. Good story if it wasn't fiction.
  6. But is the bridge open?
  7. Don't just check out one place. There are lots of options. Brighton has a sweet spot in my heart.
  8. 7" reported at JFBB. 50% of one trail will be open this weekend for a $50 lift ticket
  9. So many choices. Either of the cottonwoods or head in to PC area.
  10. If you go to the bar in the restaurant you get a real pint glass. I guess too many hooligans up there in the winter to trust them at the top bar. Plus, everybody would put them in their boot bag and walk away.
  11. Welcome back Root!!!
  12. You're car has wipers? I'm jealous.
  13. Agreed. Very easy.
  14. Those weren't ski poles in his hands...
  15. Was there over the summer. No rental car is going to suck. That place is massive. You will all be stuck at Northstar the whole time.
  16. Where did you ski this weekend?
  17. yeah was never running when I was there mid-week. but like you said, that was expected.
  18. lots of white. looks good.
  19. Should be good to go on Friday.
  20. she's beautiful. unfortunately, Blue isn't going to open this year.
  21. Today was the day. A lot of people talked a big preseason game about getting out asap.
  22. Going to be a shit show.
  23. Thanks Doug
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