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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. Haha that's great. Congrats.
  2. damn i need to get up there soon. once the weather gets better.
  3. those athletes ruin it for everybody. bastards.
  4. well have fun man. I hope the conditions aren't too terrible to taint your first experience up there. now you just have to go out west.
  5. Damn I just deleted his post. You're too quick.
  6. i thought it was going to start later. damn. i guess i might get to sleep in. sunday should be pretty good though.
  7. had a nice time tonight with Jeff, JLaw, and the JFBB guys. JohnnyStyle was also in the house doing his racing thing. Nice seeing him around again. Jeff mad me take out the short skis with edges so that made a huge difference since it was a little scraped off with all of the ski clubs there tonight. what a mad house. anyway, good times had by all.
  8. Do you have to taint up every thread on PASR?
  9. Heading up tonight?
  10. More expensive.
  11. Tomorrow night.
  12. http://unofficialnetworks.com/bob-costas-today-show-slopestyle-jackass-stuff-invented-called-olympic-sport-127647/ I hope his pen punctures his pocket protector and cuts him.
  13. in time for the weekend. that works for me. thanks.
  14. if you were out all day and didn't feel anything until the last run, i wouldn't blame that on the altitude. sounds like you were dehydrated or some shit like that.
  15. same. and if it rains, BMDI
  16. I'm an "athletic young male" and I've never had an issue. Even after hiking. I guess it really effects everybody in different ways.
  17. I still decided to head up to test out the race skis. Razors looked like the moon when I got there but they were blowing a nice layer from top to bottom by the time that I left. Pretty excited for next Monday! Is it just a practice or do times count?
  18. Great news! Now I have time to take the skis out and get used to them. Maybe I'll still head up this afternoon after work. Regardless, I'm 100% in.
  19. So what's the plan for tomorrow? We need people I guess...
  20. looking good, guys!
  21. awesome. good stuff.
  22. Damn. You probably did see me but I have new outerwear. I didn't catch you though. Wasn't really looking since I thought it was a solo night. Glad I made the decision to go up last night and not burn a vacation day today - although if sure does look nice.
  23. Oh hello everybody! I got home from work today and the snow really started to fall around 4pm. Made the decision to go up around 7:15 and skied until 9:00. Conditions were great. temps dropped from 22 to 14 degrees while I was there. The wind was getting wild and blowing a lot of the snow off trail, but there were still some protected trails that were stellar since crowds were low. Switchback, Xing, and Dreamweaver held snow very well. The right side of the first headwall off trail on razors was pretty deep as well because of the wind blowing. I took a few pictures to share, but I was busy enjoying the skiing so I didn't take too many. Too bad more of you couldn't make it up tonight because this was probably the second best day of the year (second to that Saturday night storm). I'm thinking about heading in to work for 11:00 tomorrow and getting up to Blue for opening but that depends what happens overnight. gotta watch out for the icy "powder" at Blue during the storm. wtf? and the mountain road going down sucked, but the rest were okay and allowed for 40mph speeds most of the time.
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