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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. i've got 4 more days ahead of me. in 3 weeks. whistlaaaaaa
  2. this weather sucks.
  3. incredible. good work Jordan. I really hope there is more coming form ya...
  4. hate you.
  5. great report, but sorry for your loss. It's always important to remember the good times that we had with those who are close to us and I'm sure you and your skins have some great memories together. Never forget.
  6. same here for a dumb wedding.
  7. nevermind...
  8. ah, maybe you should help them with a new website while you are out there.
  9. do they have any breweries?
  10. do they sell beer in Aspen?
  11. i think i'm 486 and that's not including the first season of tracking. I'd guess i'm at 530ish since this site started. definitely 1000+ of my lifetime.
  12. hopefully kill it, skin it, and sell the meat.
  13. aaaaaand end political jibber jabber.
  14. it was great this morning. awesome conditions. Lazy, Razors, and Paradise were on point. I'd imagine its pretty slow/soft by now.
  15. nice picture (again). I think I'm gonna hit up a golf course tomorrow as well.
  16. that's what i was thinking - but to get more people there (and more money) i think that is a vital improvement. plus, they would only have to staff like 2 lifts instead of the 6 that they normally have if they put in a top to bottom that is efficient.
  17. looks deep...
  18. Montage lives again.... for now.
  19. i'll be there tomorrow morning. then trying to either mountain bike or hit the links.
  20. Shawnee is staying open until the 7th.
  21. tryign to re-open the following weekend. 6th and 7th. i don't see that happening though, so get out there this week and saturday for some final turns.
  22. lucky. I'm just excited to be skiing Blue tomorrow morning....
  23. 1-3 for poconos. 2-4 for valley. 5-8 for Philly.
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