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Everything posted by toast21602

  1. $40 is not bad at all. Doug is right ( i hate to say it). Supply and demand. people will buy tickets if they want to ski, or spend more money driving to somewhere else to pay a cheaper ticket price.
  2. anybody wanna argue about Blue and Boulder? I don't think it has ever been done before...
  3. Doubt they will...
  4. It needs to dump out west so I have snow to play with for my new skis...
  5. probably. especially with a ton of others opening.
  6. toast21602

    Hurt Knee

    that sucks. especially since it was playing such a stupid sports. well, hope you heal quickly.
  7. awesome. glad to see places popping up this weekend. keep those crowds down at Blue.
  8. I'm there Friday and Sunday!
  9. Awesome. Judging by blue's pictures I think they will too.
  10. that would be nice. they don't even need to be top to bottom, or top to main street. the vista chair is able to run by itself...
  11. sounds good man
  12. These burgers are taking foreverrr
  13. Peace out killington.
  14. Tinnies on the bus. Congrats to pasr's own on a third place finish at rails to riches.
  15. Speaking of windy....
  16. Beautiful out here. What do you want to ski next Korey?
  17. just posted. not opening. sucks. big boulder PARK We are not opening today. TRUST US, We want to open as much as you.
  18. fresh coating over night. therealkevinthomas is competing today. two more arrived overnight. and it still smells like a fart for some reason. welp, time for a breakfast beer.
  19. Oops
  20. She was kinda hot.
  21. dibs
  22. Thrizzer.
  23. More than 2. At C4 now.
  24. yeah man. calling that hot tub the pickle barrel.
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